A Dozen Edu Resources Students Can Use for Essay Writing

Essay writing is one of constant problems for every student. To help them deal with it, educators try plenty of methods and techniques, including the usage of various technologies and mobile applications that have been developed to ease the process of academic writing and make it pleasant for young people. Most of them work good of course, but we must admit they are not enough for a student to become a good academic writer. So, maybe it is better to ask for professional help?

Many experienced essay writers come online to share their knowledge and skills with everyone who needs them. Here is a dozen resources for every student to check on the Web in order to get both theoretical and practical help from those experts who really know how to solve the problem of academic writing forever.

Check the list:

1. Grade Saver: here all students will find a step-by-step guide on how to write essays and other types of college papers. As we all know, essays require a specific structure, style, topic, research... Grade Saver provides all necessary information that will help young people become better academic writers: they will learn how to plan their writing, how to choose a thesis, quote sources, support arguments, edit their essays, and much more.

2. The OWL: more than 200 writing resources can be found at this online laboratory of Purdue University. Research, style, structure, grammar and punctuation – all these factors are very important when it comes to essay writing. Students who visit The OWL get a detailed information concerning academic writing, and they can easily improve their writing skills there.

3. Admission Essays: students who need to know all nuances of essays and application letters writing are welcomed at this online resource. Dozens of great samples can be found here for students to learn how to write their papers in the right way. This resource will be very useful for those applicants who do not have enough knowledge and practice of essay writing.

4. Essays Workshop from MIT: here students can get professional advice on essay writing from people who are proud to be called experienced and educated academic writers. This resource provides professional instructions concerning college paper writing, and it helps students improve their writing skills.

5. Bid4papers.com/write-my-essay.html: a professional help from academic writers on everything connected to college papers, including essay writing, proofreading and editing. Here a student can contact a writer directly, ask any question they are interested in, read detailed information on all nuances of essay writing, etc. Live chat makes it fast and simple to collaborate with a professional and get help when it is needed.

6. Harvard College Writing Center: this is a place where students can get help with all aspects of academic writing. This center is staffed by undergraduate tutors from Harvard College who were trained to write essays professionally, and they provide individual conferences to students who need help with academic writing. Whatever you have (notes, ideas, drafts), you can come here to get a consultation.

7. Writing.com: this online community suits everyone concerned to writing. Students are welcome to find many useful and inspiring tips, tools and hacks for essay writing. Plus, one can share their writings with others to get some feedback and advice from professional authors on how to improve it.

8. Hamilton Writing Center: all necessary information on writing college papers can be found at this online resource, where professional writing tutors provide conferences and help students deal with academic writing. Check 7 deadly things of writing, find useful resources to get knowledge and improve writing skills, contact writing tutors, and much more.

9. Pal Grave: an informative resource to help students improve their study skills. Here they will learn how to make notes for essay writing, how to plan and research, how to structure and revise papers to avoid all mistakes (stylish, grammar, punctuation) and plagiarism.

10. Plagiarism of Essay Writing: a very detailed article of Dr. Janice Newton from York University where all nuances of proper referencing in essays are described and explained. Students will find information about all research methods for writing a good college paper, learn how to choose reference guides, and how to get skills of academic writing.

11. Columbia College Writing Assistance: this online writing center from Columbia College will provide all information on academic writing, including tips concerning research, structure, editing, and documenting students' essays and other types of college papers.

12. Online Grammar Handbook: University of Minnesota represents this online resource for all students to find informative links about everything connected to writing. Here one can find useful tools for solving every problem of essay writing process (style, grammar, punctuation, spelling, plagiarism and word counter checkers, etc.).

All the above mentioned educational resources are good for both students and academic writers to use in order to get new knowledge, improve skills, and ask for professional advice from writing experts. It's never late to learn something new, especially if it helps us become better and more professional in what we do. 

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Tags: college, essay, help, life, resources, students, tips, writing


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