A Dozen Great Free Online Video Lecture Sites

A collection of web sites with thousands of free video lectures and related course materials, including many offerings from major universities.


There are thousands of video-taped course lectures, and many other more complete course offerings, available for free on the Internet today. The quality and quantity of these offerings is growing and improving daily.

How educators and students choose to leverage these types of resources is also evolving. As stated on the Opencast Project web site, “openly accessible course videos help draw attention to a professor’s work, they can keep alumni engaged and informed, and students often supplement their studies with the material.” It should be interesting to see how members of the academic community choose to use this type of resource, in and out of the classroom, in coming years.

General Video Lecture Sites
All of the sites have directories and search tools to facilitate finding content you may desire. Of course, some overlap in these offerings (that is, the same videos on multiple sites) is inevitable.

Academic Earth: This site provides hundreds of free video lectures from professors at leading universities such as Yale, Stanford, Harvard, and more.

The OpenCourseWare Consortium: According to Makeuseof.com, ”Simply put, the OpenCourseWare Consortium is the best place to begin looking for free online video lectures”.

Free Video Lectures: This site’s vision: ”Every body from every nook and corner of the world should be able to access the best Knowledge Resources available.”

Videolectures.net: Almost 7000 video lectures ... [Please click here to read the complete post at EmergingEdTech.com, where I blog regularly about the use of Internet tools in education, and other instructional technologies. Thanks!]

Views: 75

Tags: free MIT lectures, free Stanford lectures, free Yale lectures, free college course lectures, free courseware, free video lectures, free video taped lectures, open courseware

Comment by Marnie Schwartz on February 16, 2010 at 4:05pm
I was very interested in this topic to show videos to my University students but only one - video lectures.net had lectures on education and those were mostly about business. I couldn't figure out how to get information from The Open Course Ware Consortium. If there is information on videos involving K-12 education and particularly working with ells, please let me know. Thanks. Marnie48@gmail.com
Comment by Kelly Walsh on February 17, 2010 at 1:21pm
Marnie - One suggestion I might have is to take a look at Watchknow.org, which is more geared towards K-12.


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