Activity 1: Discussion - Project - Blogging about Acceptable Use Policies

     The first on NEA's 6 key elements is a Preamble.  The Preamble should include a section explaining why, its goals, and the process about developing the policy.  D11's preamble includes an explanation and a reason why, but it does not say anything about the process of how the agreement was developed.

     The next NEA requirement is a definition section.  This should include an explanation of key terms and explain the educational purpose.  The D11 AUP does not discuss any key terms but it does explain the educational purpose.

     The policy statement is next which should tell what computer services are covered by the AUP and the circumstances under which the students can use the computers.  The D11 AUP clearly addresses all of these situations. 

     The acceptable use section should explain appropriate student use of the computer network.  D11 covers this topic thouroughly for student use and staff use.

     The unacceptable uses section the AUP should give clear, specific examples of what constitutes unacceptable student use.  Almost half of the pages in the D11 AUP addresses this topic.  It is clearly written, with examples, what is not acceptable use for students and staff.  This section is long because it discusses student use when they are using the computer for assignments as well as email.  This section also discusses staff use for school work and email purposes.

     The 2nd longest section of the D11 AUP is the violations/sanctions section.  This section should explain consequences for not following the use agreement as it is written.    D11 has a 'Damaged cause by user section', and a 'Consequences" section.  It feels like the writers of this AUP were trying to make it crystal clear that if the rules are not followed, the consequences would be severe.

     The D11 AUP also includes a 'Disclaimer' section that basically syas that if the computer network does not work properly that they are -not responsible- they say they are not guarenteeing that the system will be uniterrupted and error free.  I took this as a - cover their back - statement.  They are saying that we are free to use their system only if we follow the rules, but if it breaks down, don't complain to them.....interesting!!  The other interesting section on D11's AUP is the 'Monitored Use ' section.  It states :'The
District reserves the right to access, retrieve, print, read, disclose to third parties or otherwise monitor

(1) all messages sent or received through its e-mail system;

(2) all sites visited and files downloaded on the Internet;

(3) all other uses of the District's Electronic Communication and Access Resources.'

I think this is their way of reminding us that anything we receive or send on our work emails can be viewed by the district so we better not be doing any personal stuff while we are at work.  I guess big brother is always watching!!!  D11's AUP is electronic and we need to click an 'accept' button every time we log onto the Internet. 

Views: 59

Comment by ajmkatz on November 13, 2011 at 1:13pm
It is big brother to an extent but then what if it was your business - we would probably want some of the same policies in effect


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