Adventures in Web 2.0: Introducing Social Networking into My Teaching

I’ve shared a bit in previous posts about implementing a Ning to enhance the Internship Program at The International School of the Americas. It’s been a challenging and rewarding adventure. And this past spring I wrote an article about that journey, which has just come out in Horace, the Coalition of Essential Schools’ Quarterly Journal. At the time of this posting, the article hasn’t been uploaded to the website yet, so I’m attaching it here as well.
Hope you enjoy!

Views: 86

Tags: networking, social, socialnetworking

Comment by Mike on July 28, 2009 at 6:40pm
Hi Honor.... hope this finds you well.

Just finished your article and wanted to thank you for a very good look inside the possible uses of nings.

I am just now trying to start one with a work group of and your article will be a great help.

Thanks...and i look forward to hearing more from your experience.

Be well..mike
Comment by Julie Stockwell on August 12, 2009 at 10:07pm
I really enjoyed reading about your adventures into social networking with students. I started very small last year with my advanced Education Professions students to provide an online forum for reflection and liked the results so much I want to form a Ning for my honors English students to chat and reflect on the literary pieces we read. I thought the enclosed space would provide a fairly secure, contained area to do so, and your process in setting that up really helps. I loved how you collaborated with them on a user's code of behavior--like you, I do that with them on classroom behaviors at the beginning of the year, but hadn't thought of it with technology. And my computer guy at school has already warned me that it will take some doing to get access to a social network with the security on our servers at school, so I have your example to imitate. Thanks, Honor.


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