Alabama School Library Association Inaugural Twitter Chat a Success


The Alabama School Library Association (ASLA), a leader among school library associations, ventured forward into the realm of Twitter chats with it's inaugural debut using the hashtag ---> #aslachat on July 5, 2011 at 7CT/8ET.  

ASLA kicked off the chat with a quote from Springfield Township High School Librarian, Joyce Valenza, "Librarians must be able to retool and stay ahead of teachers and students".

Resources shared during the chat to provide Alabama librarians with information and support to retool in a Web 2.0 world. Educate Alabama (a continuum for teacher development) for Librarians is a document for librarians to reference (whether from Alabama or Australia) to self evaluate on a continuum of Emerging, Applying, Integrating, and Innovating. Where are you on this continuum? An innovative level librarian provides leadership that engages colleagues in ongoing analysis and mapping of curriculum to ensure alignment of state standards with the curriculum being taught. A working understanding of Common Core Standards (another shared resource) is essential for retooled librarians.

Also mentioned during the July 5th #aslachat was access to professional development. Several links were provided, including Classroom 2.0 LIVE, The Reform Symposium, and Library 2.011 Worldwide Virtual Conference. Librarians should not only facilitate professional development opportunities within their schools, but also provide teachers and faculty with additional professional development resources that blends integration of technology in professional learning and the classroom.

Perhaps the most valuable resource shared during the inaugural #aslachat session was: PEOPLE! Jerry Blumengarten's (@cybraryman1) has compiled a stellar list of mentors on his PLN Star Page. Librarians can use this list to help teachers build their own PLN as well as their own. Library PLN Stars mentioned during the #aslachat included:

ASLA would like to extend a special thank you to librarians from other states for their retweets and contributions to the chat:

The Alabama School Library Association will hold #aslachat session on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7CT/8ET immediately following #edchat. While our chats may focus on the issues facing Alabama librarians we welcome participation from all educators, parents, etc. 
ASLA encourages you to spread the word about the power of Twitter and keep the conversation going 24/7 at #aslachat and to follow us @aslatweets.

A personal thank you to @cybraryman1 for the mojo his QR Code T-Shirt provided as I moderated my first Twitter chat. XOXO

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