April 2: Deadline to apply for FETC 2011 in Orlando

If you haven't already submitted a proposal for a presentation or workshop at FETC 2011, do it now! The deadline is Friday, April 2.

Last year, FETC had attendees from every state and about a dozen countries. You hear terrific keynote speakers, and many of the sessions are led by educators who have insightful and cutting edge ideas about using technology in student learning.

Here's the link to apply online: http://cfp.fetc.org/callforpapers/

Conference Dates
FETC 2011 invites you to submit an Application to Present for consideration for one of the 55-minute sessions to tentatively be held Wednesday, February 2 and Thursday, February 3, 2011. Presentation content should focus on technology in education that is used today and will be used in the future. FETC welcomes applications from educators representing all levels of education, all content areas, specialists, and business and industry experts.

FETC Registration
FETC provides a complimentary conference registration to the accepted main presenter. Upon acceptance, you will receive additional information.

All co-presenters MUST register and pay for the conference through the regular registration process.

Tentative Schedule

  • Monday, January 31, 2011
    • Workshops
    • Pre-Conference Meetings
  • Tuesday, February 1, 2011
    • Workshops
    • Brown Bag Pre-Keynote Session
    • Technology Solution Seminars
    • Opening General Session
    • Exhibit Hall Grand Opening
  • Wednesday, February 2, 2011
    • Workshops
    • Concurrent Sessions
    • Exhibit Hall
  • Thursday, February 3, 2011
    • Workshops
    • Concurrent Sessions
    • Exhibit Hall

Focus Areas
A presentation may address more than one focus area. The Application to Present will ask each applicant to identify the primary and secondary focus area for their proposal.

  • Accountability/Assessment– Presentations that focus on the use of technology to measure progress for teachers, students, schools, and/or districts to report results and best practices, including enhanced data collection systems and ePortfolios.
  • Administration/Leadership – Presentations that focus on educational policy and the use of technology as a strategic tool for school improvement and reform, including Title I Programs, state/federal technology grants or projects, and emerging national technology standards.
  • Classroom Management and Communications – Presentations that address how educators can manage the integration of technology into the learning environment, and how they can utilize technology to communicate with colleagues, parents and students (i.e., implementation of 1 to 1 computing, few computers per classroom, website development, list servs, etc.)
  • Community Connections – Presentations that address the use of technology to create mutually beneficial school-community partnerships; particularly programs that focus on improving student performance and that address the Digital Divide.
  • Digital Content – Presentations that address the creation and/or use of technology to deliver educational content and materials to students in the classroom.
  • English Language Learner (ELL) - Presentations that address how educators and English language learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills.
  • Foreign Language - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in foreign language.
  • Health and Physical Education - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in health and physical education.
  • Infrastructure - Presentations that focus on technology infrastructure to support learning and the learning environments such as desktop virtualization, open source, implementation of wireless environments, and the roll out of personal mobile devices.
  • Innovative Learning Technologies – Presentations that focus on up-and-coming digital tools and resources to enhance education and the learning environment (i.e., Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, 1 to 1 mobile technologies, blogging, videoconferencing, cell phones, wikis, tweets, etc.).
  • Integrated Curriculum - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain problem solving, critical thinking and technology-oriented skills across all core curricular areas.
  • Language Arts/Reading – Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in language arts and reading.
  • Math - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in math.
  • Mobile Technologies – Presentations that address how educators and learners utilize personal mobile devices such as Kindles, eReaders, iPod Touches, and Netbooks to enhance the learning environment and deliver curriculum and content.
  • Performing/Visual Arts - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in music and the visual arts.
  • Professional Development – Presentations that focus on the use of technology and online content to advance the professional competency of educators through accountability, leadership preparation, and productivity resources and tools.
  • Science - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in science.
  • Social Studies - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in social studies.
  • Special Education - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in special education.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in the curricula areas of STEM.
  • Safety and Security – Presentations that focus safety and security of students and teachers within the learning environment (i.e. cyberbullying and security within social networking, as well as campus-wide security)
  • Technology/Computer/Adult Education - Presentations that address how educators and learners are using technology in the learning environment to encourage high academic performance, promote best practices, and place a strong emphasis on academic standards and opportunities for learners to gain both academic and technology-oriented skills in computer and technology and adult education.
  • Technology Management - Presentations that focus on the use of technology to support the management of information systems, data and communications for instructional information processing and reporting, including web development.
  • Virtual/Online Learning – Presentations address how educators and students are using the online learning environment to promote high academic performance and place a strong emphasis on academic standards.
  • Web 2.0 and Social Networking – Presentations address how educators and students are using the new Web 2.0 and social networking sites to expand their learning environment beyond the classroom (i.e., blogs, wikis, tweets, cloud computing, Second Life, gaming, virtual reality, simulation, etc.).

Questions or comments contact FETCsupport@FETC.org

From the sponsor FETC, a division of 1105 Media, Inc., is recognized nationally as a venue where the best educators come to share their strategies, methods, and best practices with their colleagues. In light of today’s economic crisis, we recognize the extreme demands your workplace requires and would like to partner with you, the educator, to ensure that the education of our students does not suffer during these difficult times. We encourage those in educational technology research and policy to share their knowledge while 1105 Media, Inc and FETC will be doing our part by offering creative solutions and substantial discounts to the FETC 2011 attendees.

-- Michael Eason, Executive Director

Views: 69

Tags: 2011, FETC, Florida, conference, orlando, workshop


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