Personally, I don't look to blogs to find information of the type of information that I would need to cite in formal research. Rather, blogs for me are a source of ideas. I follow blogs to hear what other educators are doing, where ed tech is moving, etc. I compare it to Wikipedia--it may not be your best source of information, but it gives you an idea of where to start looking.
Hope that helps!
I definitely find blogs to be an effective source of information. The blogs that I follow are all from people I respect as educators. I've found countless ideas on blogs that I've been able to implement in my classroom both as a form of instruction and technology integration.
I hate to say this, but I feel like I've learned more/had more beneficial conversations about education from my PLN through blogs and Twitter than I did in all of college. Education is definitely about continual growth though so I'll keep on reading those blogs!
Derrick and Shawn, thank you so much for your comments on this topic and helping me with my online course.
I do believe that using blogs to discuss things related to your field of business or your personal life has great benefits and is useful in acquiring unfamiliar facts on specific topics. There are really a lot of possibilities in blogging.
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