There are many characteristics that must be known to be a good Math parent.
* Let your children know They can succeed and avoid conveying negative attitudes toward math.Try to keep your comment positive. Praise whenever possible.

* Ask what your child did in math today.

* Be ready to talk with your children about math and to listen to what They’re saying. Even when you yourself don’t know how to solve a problem, asking a child to explain the meaning of each part of problem which will probably be enough to find a strategy and reinforce the concept.

* Try not to tell children How to solve the problem. Ask them questions about the problem and help them find their own method of working it out. Concentrate on the process more then the exact answer.

* Practice real life math and estimation with your children whenever possible. Include math at home - at the dinner table, traveling, grocery store, and restaurant. Use estimation to make problems ” make sense “. Give your child meaningful problems that use numbers or shapes while you are going about everyday life.

* Provide a special place of study and encourage groups study.

* Expect that homework will be done and that it will include more than simple computational worksheets. Look at completed homework regularly. You need not check every answer or understand the assignment. Just look for format, work and completion.

* Don’t expect that all homework will be easy. Encourage your child not to quit. If a problem is too difficult have your child place a “?” by it and continue the assignment. Encourage your child to ask the teacher about it during the following day.

* Try not to drill your child on math content.Never use Math as a punishment.

* Look carefully at the standardized test result, however do not use these test scores as your primary sources of assessment.Teachers observation and your own will also be valuable. Attributes like sticking with a problem and having effective strategies are not always tested with pencil and paper.

* Have high expectations. Children’s math achievement is shaped-and limited—by what is “expected of them”.

* Expect some confusion. to be part of the learning process, but emphasize that effort, not ability, is what counts.


Source : Mathematics Learning Study Committee of the National Research

Views: 36

Tags: book, math, parent, student


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