Students, tutors, and teachers are no longer limited to classroom learning. The Internet offers many great options for tutors and teachers to prepare for their lectures and work with students in a non-conventional virtual environment. If you are determined to make progress in your career as a professional tutor or you just want to find a way to help your cousin who lives across the country, you are recommended to experiment with the tools listed below and find the best platform that will help you work with your students.

  1. TutorsClass

This free platform offers literally everything tutors need. Your career of online distance tutoring can head off to a good start as soon as you create your profile and start attracting international students. You can have your own online classroom that enables you to have video, audio, and text chats with your students, share files, and use the one-on-one & multi user whiteboard as a convenient way to offer lectures. Thousand-mile distances and country borders don’t mean anything when you use TutorsClass. The best aspect of this website is that it enables tutors to profit from doing what they love.

  1. Animoto

There are many tools for creating educational videos, but many tutors prefer Animoto because it’s a fun, fast, and incredibly easy way to create awesome video content. Once you complete a video, it’s easy to share it with your students through YouTube, a website, blog, or email.

  1. IDroo

IDroo is another free educational whiteboard that enables tutors to connect with as many educators or students as they want. Besides for tutoring sessions, this whiteboard can also be used for meetings that enhance the collaboration between professional tutors. All you need is a fast Internet connection, devotion, and talent to motivate your students to participate in the virtual classroom. The tool for professional math typing is one of the best aspects of IDroo.

  1. Padlet

Padlet, previously known as Wallwisher, enables you to build online notice boards and make announcements for your students. This is ideal for announcing test dates and homework assignments, but that’s not all you can do with Padlet – you can also keep track of current projects and assignments. Consider Padlet as a virtual post-it note board where you can drag, drops, and rearrange your posts, videos, and images.

  1. Gchat

All students, teachers, and tutors who have a gmail account can easily access and use Gchat to communicate with each other in real time. Some people appreciate simplicity more than complex platforms, so Gchat will be perfect for your career as a tutor if you are one of them. If you want to enhance the features, we recommend you to download the Google Talk app that enables voice conferencing with multiple users.

  1. Writinghouse

Writinghouse citation generator will help you to deal easily with a variety of formatting styles and work cited. It can be difficult even for teachers to remember all the rules and ponderous styles. That's why it's much more convenient to use the citation generator and don't waste time on this routine work.

      7. Jing

Jing is software that will save you from repeating the same things for your new students over and over again. With this tool, you can make narrated video lessons you’ll use every time you need to teach the same lesson. Your students will be satisfied, and you will make your job much easier.

      8. Google Docs

Gmail has many cool features, but Google Docs is the most useful one for all tutors, teachers, and students. You can use it to create tables, drawings, forms, presentations, spreadsheets, and documents and then share them with your students. You don’t have to be worried about losing your work, because the documents are automatically saved as you work on them. The niftiest aspect of Google Docs is that it allows multiple users to edit one document in real time and communicate via chat.

      9. 4Teachers

This is a website that offers plenty of education tools tutors can use for creating customized quizzes. The website also allows educators to access thousands of online lessons, post online classroom calendars, create classroom floor plans, write take-home notes in English and Spanish, and create their own lessons.


The approach to education is constantly changing thanks to the immense number of online tools that promote virtual teaching and learning. As a tutor, your horizons are now wider and you’re no longer limited to few local students you could teach. Explore your option and start turning your love for teaching into a profitable job that will not only promote you as a professional, but will also increase your satisfaction by reaching out to a greater number of students!


Views: 18589

Tags: e-learning, online, teaching, tools, whiteboards

Comment by Melissa Burns on February 9, 2014 at 2:14am

Thank you Jessica! I will review Khan Academy and other similar platforms in my next article.


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