I've had the students create their blogs on the schools intranet worpressMU installation. So far I've got 25 of 60 blogs set up. Their were/are some minor problems, but I will get them all a blog eventually.

I had student reactions ranging from this is very cool ... all the way to you can't make us do this. It is math class and some of them are excited about reading and blogging and some not so much.

My blog about the book I'm reading: History of the Western World; lives here Russell Study

The idea is to have the students read books that they would probably not read on their own and give them another point of view on mathematics, philosophy, and physics that they do not typically get in a traditional classroom. They make blog entries about each in class reading with vocabulary words extracted from the readings.

Views: 75

Tags: 2.0, blog, blogging, math, reading, web, wordpress

Comment by Geoff St. Pierre on September 28, 2009 at 4:23pm
Mostly the server I am running wordpressMU is not powerful enough. So, I have to stagger the students logging in, but still once they are all in the lab, if 10 or more try to post, save, or change settings the server lags severely.

Let me know how your project goes. We can compare notes. Are you doing High School, Middle or Elementary?
Comment by Geoff St. Pierre on September 28, 2009 at 4:56pm
Well, the server is on an intranet, so the only comments that should be from students, but I will be keeping an eye on comments. I have not decided how to deal with this, but maybe bonus points for productive comments?

Currently the actual approval of a comment lies in the hands of the student who is the administrator of their own blog, but I am the superuser, and can delete comments that they may approve. But all of this is going to be tested over the next few months.

I am in math and plan to have the students read and blog only when their is time ... so maybe less frequently than you in English. Probably on the order of twice a month.

Are you on a public server?


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