I need advice from my posse and I need it right away!
I've been asked to speak to a group of college profs in about 10 days. They want to hear about no more than FIVE emerging technologies that support online learning.
This is a wonderful opportunity to make an impact on the hearts and minds of people who can make a real difference in the ways their students interact with them online. The trouble is, we all know there are hundred of Web 2.0 tools that support online learning. At least DOZENS that are truly mind-changing!
I need some serious help deciding WHICH FIVE to talk to them about.
So, would you be so kind as to take five minutes of your time and add your faves -and what makes them your faves - to the Comments here?
Think of it as a contribution to me and also to the next five years of learners coming through Southern Oregon University. That's a BIG contribution!
If you'll be kind enough to do this, and include your email address, I will send you a FREE COPY of my most recent E-Book, "The Coach's Short List."
"The Coach's Short List" outlines a half-dozen things you need to think about before you plan your virtual meetings. It also provides templates for organizing your thinking and running your meetings. You can read more about the book on my biz blog at
It's a $12.97 value for five minutes of your time. If that's a fair exchange to you, I'll consider it fair for me, too.
I really need help narrowing the field down to FIVE technologies to talk about. Just enter your comments below or
here on my blog at Posterous.
And thanks a million for being a live, contributing member of my learning posse!
Meri Walker
"The Virtual Meeting Coach"
We have it in our power to begin the world over again.
- Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
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