I'm interested in hearing from anyone who is currently using, or thinking about using cellphones as part of integrated classroom technology. Anyone?

Views: 135

Tags: 2.0, Web, cell, phones, smartphones, technology, tools

Comment by Adam Blackwood on June 16, 2009 at 12:54pm
Hi Gary... I train staff on ways in which they could use Mobile phones sorry... :)... "Cell Phones" ... in the classroom and to support teaching and learning generally. There are some really interesting developments with the technology and the potential for improving learning is very exciting. In the UK, they the government have funded colleges for the last 2 years to develop new initiatives for using mobile technologies for teaching and learning. There are some very good case studies as a result.
Comment by Gary Bates on June 16, 2009 at 1:12pm
Hi, Adam, Thanks for the reply. The case studies you mentioned, are there websites I can find so I can read them?
Comment by Adam Blackwood on June 16, 2009 at 1:37pm
Hi Gary...

These might help..

Projects delivered so far from MoLeNET Funding.

Very useful site for more links, resources tips on M-Learning.

Just another useful starting point for some relevant info Gary.. white papers and reports..

Some useful PDF Publications on M-Learning Technologies

Link providing a report on Student experiences of using Mobile Technologies
Comment by Maggie Verster on June 16, 2009 at 3:45pm
Hi Gary,

We have quite a few projects going on the use of cellphones in the classroom in OSuth Africa. Here is my report on Dr maths on mxit (learners use it for maths homework help- see Lauries report on her project there) http://maggiev.edublogs.org/2008/08/24/dr-maths-on-mxit/

I keep all my cellphone links here: http://delicious.com/maggiev/cellphones and my m-learning links are here: http://delicious.com/maggiev/cellphones+mlearning
Comment by Gary Bates on June 17, 2009 at 7:29am
Hi, Maggie,
Thanks so much. These look like great sites. I find it incredibly interesting to find out what folks in other parts of the world are doing.
Comment by Gary Bates on June 17, 2009 at 7:36am
Your sites are great! Thanks a lot. This will be very helpful to me.
Comment by adelina moura on April 16, 2010 at 8:47am
Dear all,
It is my pleasure to share you the book "Advanced Learning" is available online at http://sciyo.com/books/show/title/advanced-learning
My chapter is available on this link where I present tow experiments with mobile devices (mobile phone):
My PhD thesis is about mobile learning in educational contexts.
Comment by Ariel Myers on October 29, 2012 at 3:19pm

I would definitely love to use cellphones in my classroom some day. I think they would be an awesome asset to a foreign language classroom. Like we have abbreviations in English while texting, I think it would be cool to have students text each other using abbreviations in the Spanish language. Then they could share their conversations with the class and have other students make out what they are trying to say. I think this would be a cute and fun classroom activity. Not only would it permit students to practice the language but they would learn a little more about the culture by understanding the words and abbreviations that they use. Has anyone else used a cellphone in a foreign language classroom? I would love hear the feedback!


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