When I think of a words to describe myself, many come to mind. Words like creative, intelligent, compassionate, and caring all pertain to my being in some manner. However there is one word that describes me better than the rest and that word would be efficient. Efficient is an adjective defined as achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort and working in a well-organized and competent manner. The reason why I am talking about the term efficient is because of the correlation it holds to tonight's Introduction to Technology class. In class, my professor wanted me to create a character poster using Microsoft Excel. This character poster was created using my name, a term to describe myself (I chose efficient), and a current picture of myself. Using Microsoft Excel and the tools it provides for creativity, I created a four page poster that I cut out and eventually laminated. I enjoy this type of hands on activities, mainly because it allows for my creative nature to be used as well as my talent in graphic design and layout management. Therefore, this in class project provided me with little if any obstacles. I found it to be rather simple and fun creating a poster about myself using the given elements and standards. The idea of using a term to describe myself made me think a little. I wanted to choose a word that held meaning, value, and consistency to my nature. My chosen term in conjunction with my picture and name on my poster allowed me to express a little of myself to the class in a relaxed and informal manner (the posters were hung up on the back wall in the class for my peers to review).

What I learned tonight in my Introduction to Educational Technology class can reach beyond the bounds of just being an in class assignment. The simple task of creating posters in Microsoft Excel can be implemented in my future classroom. For example, I can create specialized posters displaying classroom rules, student responsibilities, and positive messages throughout my classroom. Also, I could have the students (depending on the grades) create one for themselves to display in the classroom, whether its on a wall, in-front of their desk, or above the cubby hole. I believe this simple way to create posters can be an easy and quick way to promote a positive learning environment and atmosphere, plus it would just be fun.

Views: 232

Comment by Dave Eveland on March 10, 2009 at 10:12am
Well done on adding a 'copy' of your poster here, a picture is worth a thousand words and then some (since you added some to your picture, as the assignment detailed). I also have to agree, you are very efficient.

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