This is a feature that I run regularly at my blog that asks folks to boil down their week or a day in their week into a single reflective sentence. This week, we are using Voicethread. I invite you to join us:

Views: 156

Tags: a, day, in, sentence, voicethread

Comment by Eve Heaton on June 4, 2009 at 5:03am
Love this idea!

Comment by Gail Mitchell on June 4, 2009 at 6:56am
Hi Kevin, This sounds like just what I need.
I am presently completing a Master degree and the aim of my final research is to evaluate my practice as I implement the use of e- portfolios in my classroom, using blogs and other Web 2.0 tools, to develop and demonstrate student reflective practice. I am hoping to build on and develop my existing knowledge and practice in the use of web 2.0 tools to support, develop and demonstrate reflective, self directed learning.
This is a little tricky because e-portfolios are a means of supporting and demonstrating the learning process, and not an end in themselves. I want to developed my own professional practice in using tools that help students to be reflective, self directed learners and I am going to show this in the form of a reflective diary(establishing my own e-Portfolio. I want to develop my own knowledge of audio tools that can be used to support reflection in and of learning. I was thinking of things like Voicethread and podcasts- which I am not confident in using as yet.
I would really appreciate any advice or guidance.


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