Do You Know Who May Be Sitting In Your Classroom?

Do you know who may be sitting in your classroom? Or will someone else discover them?
I came across a YouTube video that caught my attention. It conveys that there may be unidentified talents in ordinary people. I believe as teachers, our job is to help students explore, unlock and discover what these talents are. Once identified, help them strengthen these talents.
I encourage every teacher to search for that Lucille Ball or Michael Jordan in every student they have. If you don't, someone else may. Or worse, their talents may never be discovered. Have you ever wondered how much talent may be wasted because the talent was never discovered?
As a student, you may think every successful person had everything handed to them. However, some of the most successful people were ordinary people that failed, but did not give up. I encourage students to do your best at all you do. Everyone has limitations. However, limitations are just disguised excuses and these excuses are just lies you tell yourself of why you can't do something. Turn these limitations into obstacles that you may have to go through. You may have to work harder than others to get to the there, but you can cross the same finish line to reap the reward. It's up to you to make it happen.
Be Sure To Watch This Short Video
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Views: 33

Comment by Judy Twetten on September 6, 2009 at 8:54am
Thank you! I teach an elementary gifted program and this would be a great discussion starter! We do lessons on quotations and one of our favorites is "Success is failure that tried one more time". It would go well with this movie.
Comment by Donnie Smith on September 6, 2009 at 5:27pm
It does sound like it would fit in well. When I came across the video on YouTube, it really caught my attention. It is a great video. Thanks for your comments.


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