This week begins my experiment with Edmodo.  I began with some netiquette guidelines in each of my classes.  My intention is to start with using it for absent students and homework help.  I'll incorporate it more as time goes on, beginning with my highschool general chemistry class.  What will be the results?  I don't know.  But I do know that I'm glad I'm starting this experiment now before incorporating it full tilt next school year.

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Comment by Shawn Foreman on January 5, 2011 at 10:17am
I recently started experimenting with Edmodo too.  I had the opportunity last February at TCEA to meet and hang out with the guys that developed that site.  We discussed so many things you can do with it, but since we had just been given a new iTouch program to implement with our 4th grade, I just haven't had time to do too much with it yet.  Looks very promising though.
Comment by Chad McGowan on January 5, 2011 at 6:34pm
I started using Edmodo with most of my classes this year. I use it as a means to have online discussions for my high school courses. I require student participation and have found a wide range of responses. My use seems to be somewhat simplistic compared to what could be done, but I am pleased so far with the results.
Comment by Scott Beiter on January 8, 2011 at 9:09am
Thanks for the comments.  Chad, my approach right now is simplistic as well.  I recently had my first student turn in an assignment from when she was absent; which was my main reason for using Edmodo this school year.  I also had my first student tell me that she couldn't access the sight because she does not have the internet at home (Burmese immigrant family).  The digital divide is ever present.  Another problem I found is that student computers in labs etc. don't allow students to download anything.  So they have no access to pdfs or doc files attached to assignments.
Comment by Jennifer Judkins on January 8, 2011 at 12:21pm
Does anyone know if Edmodo has plans to begin charging for their site? It's really fantastic and I would like to implement it throughout our District but I'm hesitant that it might be "too good to be free"... I love that it is so easy to use and that students do not need email addresses to get started!
Comment by Chad McGowan on January 9, 2011 at 1:58pm

Edmodo claims that they are not going to charge. I believe them, for now. It would probably be worth having a direct discussion with them regarding how they are financed if you want to feel secure about the service staying free in the future.

I have used it as a way to conduct quizzes as well, using the assignment feature. I post the questions and students simply 'turn-in' the assignment. Very cool tool. As for the digital divide, I always preach to my students that there are computers available before and after school in the school library as well as at the local public library. Not to mention, for most, at a friend's house.

Any other innovative uses for Edmodo out there?

Comment by Ava Chen on March 24, 2011 at 4:30am
Thanks for all the comments above. I am thinking to use Edmodo for my curriculum development that I am currently designing for our department. Please share more of your experience on using Edmodo in the future. I'll also keep updated my development with Edmodo.


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