Fall's Journey South is about to Begin! Free Project Tracks Migrations, Plants, and Seasons

Teachers and students in K-12 classrooms are invited to sign up now for Journey North's 17th annual global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. A free Internet-based citizen science project, Journey North enables students in more than 23,000 schools to watch the seasons unfold. Students monitor migration patterns of monarch butterflies, hummingbirds, whooping cranes, and other animals; the blooming of plants; and changing sunlight, temperatures, and other signs of the seasons.

What’s Happening this Fall?

Plant a Journey North Tulip Test Garden This Fall
It's time to dig in! This fall, plant a Journey North Tulip Test Garden so you can proclaim the official arrival of Spring 2011 in your community.

Track the Monarch Migration to Mexico
Join Us! Please Report Your Monarch Sightings! Report your own observations and track the monarch's trip to Mexico. Watch for weekly migration updates every Thursday, beginning August 26th.

Follow Whooping Cranes Led by Ultralights on Their First Journey
Year TEN in the historic conservation project to reintroduce Whooping cranes to eastern North America is nearing takeoff. Will all the chicks make the journey safely? What highlights and lowlights wait as they migrate through seven states in a journey over 1,000 miles?

Send a Monarch to Mexico!
Students across the United States and Canada send symbolic butterflies to Mexico each fall. Children in the sanctuary area protect the butterflies all winter and send them north in the spring. United by the monarch butterfly, children across North America learn lessons of conservation and ambassadorship.

Track Hummingbird Migration as a Citizen Scientist
You're invited to help track hummingbird migration this fall as the tiny migrants travel to and from their wintering grounds.

What Participating Teachers Say About Journey North/South

“Journey North makes it possible for my land-locked urban school to participate in worldwide, real-time science, geography, and cultural experiences that broaden our perspectives and unite us with other students and teachers.”

“In 26 years of teaching, this is the best program I have seen for integrating math, science, reading, and even social studies. It motivates students and gives them a chance to develop and use skills in a real world situation.”

“The kids remember all the prior geo concepts taught better as they use the skills during the JN project.”

Thanks to Annenberg Media, Journey North Web site access and participation is free. Check the Web site now; Journey South is about to begin! http://www.learner.org/jnorth/.

Views: 118

Tags: change, cranes, hummingbirds, migrations, monarchs, seasonal, tulips, whooping


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