FLATs w/FCP keynoter Alan Levine May 21 18:00GMT or time where you are -> http://ow.ly/aj6BaLocation-> http://tinyurl.com/FlatActionTalk

Alan is widely recognized for expertise in the application of new technologies to education and was a pioneer on the web. An early proponent of blogs and RSS, he shares his ideas and discoveries at CogDogBlog. More recently he has explored new forms of web storytelling (including 50+ Web 2.0 Ways To Tell a Story and the StoryBox), and tools for connecting and open sharing online.

Currently he is an instructional technology specialist at the University of Mary Washington, following leadership positions at the New Media Consortium and the Maricopa Community Colleges. When possible, he enjoys the peace of a little cabin in Strawberry, Arizona. His interests include digital storytelling, digital photography, bending WordPress to his whims, and randomly dipping into the inifinte river of the internet. 


We, Our Digital Selves, and Us

Our language of saying "going online" carries the connotation that we go to a different place, and with that, who we are in these places has a different identity. With the ubiquity of mobile devices, we effectively carrying the internet in our pockets, and for me, carries questions about the blurred boundary of "online" versus "offline". In this video, I would like to explore these questions, share some stories, and make some suggestions about managing our own identities versus having it managed for us.
Further resources

Alan keynoted the Flat Classroom 12-1 project and his keynote can be viewed at ->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ziS3mpjgvI&feature=youtu.be

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