I have been looking into various free web site generators and have not found one yet that I am overly satisfied with. I would like the site to have a lot of different capabilities such as being able to add sound files, esthetically pleasing and so on. If anyone know of a great web site generator please let me know. I don't mind if I have to spend a small annual fee, but I think it would be great to use with my students.

Views: 20

Comment by Shawndra Johnson on February 9, 2009 at 2:13pm
My 13 year old daughter uses Weebly. She figured it out all on her own. It looks to have quite a few interesting features, like integrating photos and video. My personal favorite is Google Sites because I like integrating all of the other cool Google tools into my sites and its pretty easy to use.
Comment by AJ Juliani on January 2, 2010 at 3:20pm
I have used both Weebly and Google Site in the past, but if you are looking for something to get students pumped up use Wix. It has the best design options and templates and you can make it look very professional. It takes some getting used to though, so if it is not a long-term project I would use Weebly. Hope this helps!


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