Freud once said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

Obama wants to address the school-kids of this nation and, whodda thunk it, there's controversy surrounding the idea of such an address to our nation's youngsters.

Now, obviously, (or maybe not, so I'll say it here) I am of the opinion that a well-spoken President addressing our nation's kids in a "you can do it" tone now that it's back-to-school season is good for the kids, good for the schools, and good for the good ol' U. S. of A.

So I wonder, is it just me, or does this brouhaha strike anybody else as artificially contrived, politically motivated nonsense?

I mean, and this is a quote I pulled off the AP wire:

Texas Governor Rick Perry says he understands the concerns of parents who don't want their children listening to President Obama's school-time speech next Tuesday on the importance of education, aimed directly at the nation's school children.

Well, I am glad he understands the concerns... cause I don't. Could his political affiliation actually be the cause of the concern?

I mean Obama is OUR president, of the entire country, and if he wants to fire up the students, I say, "It's about time a President did this." Nice idea. Come to think about it, we couldda used something like this many, many years ago. But the right wingers (and I mean the far right-wingers) are...

"...saying Obama is using the opportunity to promote a political agenda and is overstepping the boundaries of federal involvement in schools."

Huh? I mean is "work hard, set goals, aim high and strive to become learned" some kind of liberal agenda now? (I am only speculating that this will be the thrust of his speech.) I mean if it is, I am way more liberal than I thought I was. And trust me, I am a tax and spend, California, left-coast animal lover, who believes in things like universal pre-school, universal health care, and recycling.

To counter, Obama's people say the reason for it is this:

"It's simply a plea to students to really take their learning seriously. Find out what they're good at. Set goals. And take the school year seriously."

Ooh... sounds nefarious. I bet there are secret code words embedded in the Closed Captioned text too that will send messages to aliens about our nuclear codes.

Yet, folks like Oklahoma Republican State Sen. Steve Russell say this...

"It gives the appearance of creating a cult of personality. This is something you'd expect to see in North Korea or in Saddam Hussein's Iraq."

Like I said, "Huh?"

Why do I have a feeling that if this was an idea from the prior presidency, some of those folks who are now chirping would have been singing an entirely different tune?

Then again, it never would have happened with our last president because Dubya Bush was (at best) a C- student, so having him tell the kids not to "misunderstimate the value of a gooder education" really wouldn't have helped anyone too much.

Come on, does politics have to taint everything nowadays? I mean can't the President say one nice thing without it being politically motivated? Will Obama's Merry X-mas wish be dissected by the pundits for the way he tries to abscond with the well-wishes of the season for Democratic gains in the House come the 2010 elections?

Truly, am I the only one sick of this nonsense? Really, at what point do we not all recognize that this kind of stuff is hurting, not helping, our nation?

You know, Freud once famously said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Well, "sometimes a speech to kids is just that... a speech to kids."

Views: 28

Comment by Johnathan Chase on September 7, 2009 at 8:50am
Good points.

As far as "misunderstimate the value of a gooder education" I think the number of words and syllables in your sample actually exceeds his limit....although the Decider did popularize a new energy term...newkular !


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