This blog post is inspired by Brad Chapin's thoughts and way too much twittering lately.

Okay, I'm not sure if it's ASD, ADHD or ADD nor am I certain if it impacts the children and/or the adults in our family (both immediate and extended of course). What I am certain about? Gluten-free and dairy/caisen (what IS caisen anyway?)-free food choices make a world of difference.

Anyone out there gone gluten-free?

Views: 73

Tags: adhd, asd, gluten

Comment by Karla Olson on January 3, 2009 at 9:21am
I have not--I hate thinking about food and waited in terror for my Celiac's test to come back (negative) as I have several other autoimmune/weirdness disorders--but my husband's sister and her husband are parents of three autistics (and one neurotypical), so I'm aware of the diet. I know it makes a HUGE difference in the kids, and my SIL is on it, as well (though not her meat-and-potatoes husband). I salute you for your diligence!


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