This particular assignment was really useful for me and understanding the multiple benefits of using google apps for educators, but in my current role as a trainer for a government agency.   Our agency is fortunate to have google accounts, but I am uncertain if the realize the amazing components of having these accounts.   Realizing that there is a large amount of function in using these application I will be sharing my new google app skills with my training unit. 

Google apps can make a more efficient educator with the capability of having all your material in one location. Google documents eliminates having to grade papers with a red pen and grading papers can be more effective when you are easily able to make comments and suggestion via track changes.  Also, creating forms for field trips, conference, and other required forms can be simplified by sending it to other teachers, administrators, and parents.   So the idea of losing papers on the way home can be minimized. 

I think the level of personalization between the teacher and parents can also be very beneficial.  With google abilities to have pictures attached to e-mail and chat it can help bring the personalization to the relationship in preparation for the conferences or those not so easy to have conversations. 

In my case for my career, since once again I am not a k-12 teacher this can be extremely helpful in my raining position by linking my google account to training documents, desk-aids, forms for editing and getting familiar with the 64 different counties in which I can potentially train in.  There has been several times have had informal contact with the counties and they recognize me and I have no clue who they are.  So, with this being said I can also use the picture feature to familiarize myself with other counties who are utilizing google.

The calendar link is awesome as well!  This feature would minimize double working in my agency; we have multiple websites where information can be found.  Having one universal location of where and when training will be delivered would be awesome.  If people are not certain about trainings then they could see details of trainings that will be offered and also see the calendar of when one will be delivered in their region. 

I did not realize that there was an option to create a site and have it linked to your google account and I did not realize that it could be this easy to create a simple site although I may not have done everything that the application allows you too.   This was huge for me since I am technically challenged and will be sharing my newly acquired skills ASAP!


Views: 45

Comment by JFarrow on October 14, 2014 at 3:17pm

I love Google apps for just about everything.. nice to see you are loving it to.  I also love Google App Engine which you can use to create all sorts of useful web applications. For example, i just made a proxy server the other day which allows teachers to access social sites in the classroom.  Give it a whirl!


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