How can Theatre teachers use Web 2.0 Tools?

I am wondering what Web 2.0 tools can be integrated into the theatre classroom. This summer I have been working on teaching for film materials. Film acting teaching and film studies teaching seems to be a natural integration of Web 2.0! But what about theatre? It is sad that an art which is so collaborative can be seem to fit into this collaboration web world!

I developed a Comedy Writing Project that could be used in the theatre classroom, but it is really more of a film project. Comedy Writing Project covers the basics of comedy writing with special reference to the techniques of sketch shows and humor. The project examines the language, structures, and process of developing comedy material from concept to final draft. High school students, grouped by comedy style will collaborate in order to create several sketch comedy skits, which will be developed into film. A professional Improvisation group will evaluate the student work during the process. At the conclusion, the students will publish the sketch comedy skits. I would be happy to share if there are theatre interested!


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Tags: film, theatre

Comment by nstrehlow on July 31, 2009 at 9:48pm
I taught a comedy class briefly in Second Life which is a wonderful venue for theatre. I went to a production of Twelfth Night at a replica of the Globe Theatre and it was amazing. I created an integrated drama unit for Second Life that can be used on our teen island also. I consider Second Life beyond Web 2.0 but have seen it on a few lists of Web 2.0 tools. If you would like to know more, I would be happy to show you sometime in SL. Look for Norma Underwood.
Comment by Mobbsey on August 1, 2009 at 4:48am
Have you ever explored the concept of "cyber-drama"? It blurs the lines between performers, directors and audience using social networking and online multimedia. I've done a number of projects with my drama students exploring the process.
Comment by Fred Haas on August 1, 2009 at 5:33am
What about migrating an Improv game online in a chat or wiki or other online forum. Granted it would be more of a writing exercise, but it might be a nice warm-up for the real thing, especially for those students that a re a little cautious or reluctant. I am going to do this for a screenwriting class I teach, so I haven't tried it yet. Yet, I think it could work brilliantly.

Another, could be developing a short script or scene and using Xtranormal, the text to 3D movie webapp, as a kind of rough draft for a live performance. Again, more of a dramatic writing activity with a cinematic component, but could be another interesting possibility. It seems it could be a good way to get the Theatre of the mind a bit closer to the stage.

Ironically, this inquiry reminds me a bit of a quote I heard from a Sam Mendes interview, remarking about the resurgence of interest in 3D film technology to which he replied something like, "I don't have much interest in 3D films. Don't really see the point. If I want that experience there is something called theatre." It just reminded me how much the theatre really offers an alternative to the virtual world by presenting the real one right in front of us. Still, I think there has to be even more ways to integrate Web 2.0 into a theatre class in a way that is more distinctly theatrical. I suppose it is not terribly different from the theatre itself, it simply demands creativity.
Comment by Carrie Vlaming on August 1, 2009 at 9:33am
I think the reason I have never explored the web is because of my theatre world. How could some thing replace the experience of actors and the audience? But could the virtual world is become as interactive as the performing world? For me - I am stressed thinking my words will be published to the world - just like the words I say on stage. I agree that "It demands creativity."
I will explore "cyber drama" and Xtranormal. Thanks for the hints. I have thought about the wiki forum for Improv and brainstorm. I just wish that could be that same intensity as working on stage in front of an audience.
Comment by nstrehlow on August 3, 2009 at 8:53am
I have to comment on the use of any Web 2.0 tool for improv since it could not be considered "improv" if the participants had time to think. It would be fine for writing exercises but the thing about improv is it's immediate nature and getting students out of their brains into pure impulses. Only chat or a virtual environment will be able to come close to that. To me, the only real possibility would be avatar based and synchronous.
Comment by Carrie Vlaming on August 3, 2009 at 7:48pm
I agree that the discussion boards could not be considered "improv." But it could be a positive writing exercise towards learning the art of improv.
Comment by Jennifer Starkey on March 21, 2012 at 2:30pm

This is very old and I don't know if anyone is still following but here is a list of Web 2.0 tools that I use with my theatre students.  Some are just for fun, some I use for projects, some I use for demonstrations.  If you have any questions about how I use any of them feel free to comment and I'll help in any way I can.


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