I need more than my Integrated Tech K-12 Masters to feel I am growing in the classroom

Hi all,

I was introduced to Web 2.0 almost 2 years ago during a presentation of some of our teachers who had attended the first Web 2.0 conference in Shanghai. From there I learned about K-12 Onine Conference and I was off and running in many different directions with not great focus. I have often described my learning online as have Internet ADD. use RSS feeds, I can't really say I blog though I do have two registered in my name, I have Diigo, FAcebook, Flickr,Delicious accounts. I have a class website that continues to grow and develop. I attend conferences when I am able to do so. (I live in Beijing so that is not always possible.) I am proactive in my learning. I am a big fan of Ning and Wiki's. I listen to podcasts and my class has made Voice Threads. We have participated in global collaboration projects through Skype and a webcam. I am not a newbie when it comes to Web 2.0

I fell passionately in love with this exciting area and all of the possibiltiies so much so that after waiting 34 years I decided to get my master's degree in Integrated Technology through Walden University. I will graduate next May and I am loving the experience but there is definitely something missing. I need more....and yet I am not totally sure what the "more" is that I need.

Maybe "more" is learning about new software and applications. I do know that I need to not just jump here and there but I need some sort of logical way of learning, taking online courses or whatever that can also appear as part of my PLN.

Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone have any suggestions???? I want to grow and I want to learn continually and also be able to bring things into the classroom though that opportunity is a bit limited at the moment.

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Tags: Beijing, Conference, Delicious, Diigo, K-12, Learning, Masters, Network, Online, PLN, More…Personal, University, Walden

Comment by Sharnon Robinett on September 20, 2009 at 8:19am
I am a pre-teacher. Actually, I got married and dropped out of college. Now, three sons later, I'm ready to 'make it official'. I'm 35- and remember having computers in the 3rd grade (the Texas Instruments grey model). So, when my 1st son was born- almost 10 years ago, it was 'nothing' for me to get my own pc and teach myself how to navigate the 'Worldwide Web' (when I was in college, we still had to use C prompt to 'start up', so the Web was pretty new to me').
Of course, already having BASIC skills (VERY basic), I hit the ground running and explored things that had to do with the LOVE of MY LIFE. I started a parenting site- decently successful. Made the cute animations- we had to do it with Photoshop then- held chats- a decent success considering.... I met moms that homeschooled. Next thing you know, I learn how to surf- and I mean I was GREAT at finding almost ANYTHING.
After staying home for almost 10 years, I've decided it's time for me to continue my education and get to be the teacher that I've had inside of me as long as I can remember. I loved being home, but now, we've got my boys' futures to think of now- and I'm finally ready. Now, that my oldest is in school, I feel like I can. However, the 'finding the best, and 'already knowing' bugs, I can't get over. I'm able to do anything I want, but it never seems enough. As soon as I learn 'the next thing on my list'- I've already got a new thing I just 'HAVE TO' learn. On top of that, I'm still constantly looking for... resources- yeah, that's it! And signing up for the newest- I'm signed up for posterous(which is great and EASY to use- handier than a shirt pocket), delicious, diigo, styx, animator, etc, etc, etc (and recently found out about knowem.com which checks user name availability on over 120 sites- and check it for my user name!!!) The resources- I'm not just looking for content or the best game anymore- it's content creation, blogs, open-source, checking out UK and Australia for their stuff while reading about our changes, PLUS- tutorials for software that I want to learn so I can create my own... games, worksheets, etc... I'm learning a lot from the 2 forums that I moderate (for a reading series) and have some great support- and I am able to contribute- but ... I
I realize, that my situation isn't like yours but your post is the 1st time I've seen anyone else with the same problems and feelings about what's going on. I LOVE what I do- and can't wait until I get 'certified'. I am soooo passionate about reading, and I remember.... The possibilities for education and personal growth and (I could go on!!!)- it's so exciting to be standing on the 'before' side- However, I do NOT want to be a 'jack-of-all-trades and the master-of-none'.
I may not have helped any- but I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one.

Sorry about the ramble~~~~~~~ Sharnon Johnston-Robinett


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