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There are many ways to implement a successful 1:1 laptop scheme, below is a list of areas to consider. Each school, college, educational establishment will have its own factors, special areas to consider, below is my list of things to consider. It is noted that state funded and private funded schools have very different 1:1 requirements and considerations.

After the list below, I have included a paragraph of information related to my own specific experience of implementing a very successful Apple Macbook Pro 1:1 scheme.

Areas to consider:

  • Employ an innovative, knowledgeable, supportive, IT Technical Manager + team
  • Test the system first (wireless) if possible - start with a few laptop trolleys to share on a bookable system. Try them all on the system at the same time in different locations around your school. Install a manageable wireless system (Aruba or similar) where bandwidth can be controlled.
  • Train your staff, have a continuous program of In Service Training for all staff including administrators and managers. Try to have 2 training sessions on at the same time (Beginner and Advanced). Also provide training sessions for parents.
  • Try to get your supplier to pay (sponsor) for some or all of the training (try Apple 1:1 scheme) some of the branded laptop companies have dedicated educational departments - get in touch with them.
  • Ensure your laptop image has all the applications required by all the subjects and teachers in your school.
  • Open a 1:1 shop and dedicated help desk on site; again approach your laptop supplier for this. Try to get an Authorized Technician to run the shop/help desk.
  • Publish times when parents and students can visit the IT department in school. Have the dedicated shop - open at times convenient for parents.
  • Train student mentors to help around the school with IT innovation and ideas.
  • Ensure Cyber safety is a key feature of the 1:1 scheme – have posters, online information’s sites, Cyber safety assemblies, and Cyber safety lessons.
  • Design a practical AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) Write the policy in two different ways (one for high school and one for elementary/primary school) Fit the AUP on ONE PAGE! of A4.
  • Involve the Parents in all the stages of the 1:1 implementation; listen to their ideas, concerns and worries.
  • Produce an FAQ booklet and publish this and other documentation on the school website.
  • Produce a Learner Handbook covering all areas of the 1:1 scheme.
  • Employ an IT integrator
  • Recruit IT skilled teachers
  • Try to combine an Insurance and warranty package with the 1:1 laptop.
  • Insist on the same “type” of laptops for everyone. Using Apple Macbooks/ Macbook Pro makes this easier as they provide a generic, standardized product, with integrated, interlinked, applications etc
  • Consider providing laptops for employed teachers' students. If you have a teacher with 2, 3 or 4 children in your school its unlikely that you will keep them or recruit new teachers, if they have to buy 4 laptops! (we are an International School)

Please do not................

For High School (Secondary School) - Do not restrict access to anything on the Internet for your students. Instead educate them to be responsible digital citizens and enforce the AUP (do restrict downloads at school). Give sanctions to students who do not follow the AUP. Educate, Educate, Educate. If teachers make the lessons engaging, learners will not be tempted to play games and surf the net etc. I believe in not restricting anything, because as soon as they leave the school gates they will not be monitored and will have to learn to be socially responsible. For elementary learners we restrict 1:1 laptop use at break and lunchtimes, however senior students can use laptops all day.

My School - The Nexus International School, Putrajaya, Malaysia

It took a full year to properly plan the implementation of the 1:1 scheme. The first stage was to visit other schools in the region (South East Asia) who already had a 1:1 scheme. The second stage involved finding a suitable supplier, Apple were helpful, but to find a good, supportive Apple supplier was not easy. The third stage was to involve parents and to produce a detailed FAQ booklet to answer all their questions and concerns.

Part of the success of the 1:1 scheme at my school was due to the use of Macbook Laptop Trolley's for 1 year before the 1:1 scheme was introduced. The school provided bookable laptop trolleys for the whole school, these trolleys are still in operation for the younger year groups and groups not in the 1:1 scheme. Because the school had the Macbook trolley's both learners and teachers were already trained and experienced in using the Macbook laptops. Therefore when we actually implemented the 1:1 scheme, everyone was already experienced in using the laptops (everyone knew how to use an Apple Macbook)

Another positive point of the 1:1 scheme is that we first implemented it to grades 5 to 8 (Year 6 to 9). Because of its success, other year groups wanted to join the 1:1 scheme, so within 6 months we added grade 9 (Year 10). Other year groups may also be considered in the near future.

We have an Authorized Apple shop on our school campus, this has been popular as it sells accessories and provides maintenance, insurance and deals with all warranty issues.

These points are the key areas to successful implementation in our school, I will add more areas as I remember them. If you are a school or educational establishment who would like some information or to visit the Nexus International School, please send me an email.

***something to consider for the next few years is an iPad 1:1 scheme - especially for the younger learners????***

written by Steven David Pearce 25/11/2010

Views: 69

Tags: 1, 1:1, Apple, Laptop, Macbook, Scheme, to

Comment by Steven David Pearce on November 26, 2010 at 4:40pm
There are many factors for choosing certain brands of laptops for 1:1 schemes and each brand of computer has its strengths and weaknesses.

We use Apple Macbooks in our school as they seem to be suitable for children aged 3 to 18. They have many strengths. I am not saying that another brand of laptop computer couldn't have done the same job and provided the same learning or better learning experience for our learners.

I agree that we shouldn't restrict the choice of platform and to cater for this I recommend having dual platforms installed on all laptops. We have both the Apple platform and the Windows platform which is runs through Virtual Box.

Each 1:1 scheme will be unique and defined by the type of school. There are so many factors to consider, but a Key Factor is sustainability and maintenance of the 1:1 scheme. For example, we have an Apple shop on our campus site, we have an Apple authorized technician and suppler to run the shop. When a Macbook requires repair, updating, adding Ram, maintaining, imaging is done onsite where possible. The school uses iMac's, Macbooks, iPhones, iPads, iTouch, iPods all of these products are cared for and maintained at school through the Apple shop. If we as an establishment started to use different devices, different laptops there would be new factors that we would have to consider, like maintenance and repair.


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