Inventorying Reading/Writing Experiences, Figurative Language Revisions

Entering Activities: Today, students will continue revising their transactive pieces to find evidence. As a sponge, we will do the third step – creating one more piece of evidence to put in the piece.
Anticipatory Set: I will go over today’s lesson with the students and explain to them that we will be looking today at our personal or literary writing piece and making some revisions.
Teaching and Learning: I will review with students, using a graphic organizer, the literary devices we’ve learned about the previous six weeks. We will go over similes, metaphors, hyerboles, alliteration, and personification.
Guided Practice: I will have students search their piece and highlight or underline any figurative language they have used.
Independent Practice: Students will then draft one more sentence using figurative language to put into their piece.
Teaching and Learning: I will then collect folders and go over tonight’s homework. Students will make an inventory of the types of reading and writing they’ve done. I will show students my example and give them time to begin this in class.
Closure: In closing, I will ask students to reflect on what types of writing they do. I will ask students to raise their hands if they do more fiction writing, and then for them to raise their hands if they do more non-fiction writing.

Views: 35

Comment by Amanda Addison on March 5, 2009 at 5:44am
This lesson went pretty well at the beginning and end of the day. My two middle classes, which are my comprehensive learners struggled. In 5th period, it took a lot of coaching and individual attention to just do the sponge, so we spent a lot more time on that. Unfortunately in 4th and 5th period, the reading/writing inventory homework will probably not be done by most of the students. We will spend time finishing this today, as this is something they really need in order to do their reflective writing.


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