Activity 3Lesson: Wolf! Building Background Grade Level: 3 Subject: Language Arts/Reading Teacher: Kalen Crane
Overview & PurposeStudents will learn critical information about wolves and their plight prior to reading a fictional story about a wolf. |
Education Standards AddressedOral Expression & Listening 1b: follow agreed upon rules for class discussions & group work Research & Reasoning 1b: develop supporting visual information 1c: present a brief report of the research findings to an audience
Description |
Technology Resources Used |
Introduction |
Tell students that we will be reading a fictional story about a wolf. Determine prior knowledge of wolves by completing class KWL chart on the SMARTBoard while the students enter in the facts that they know in the “K” column & what they want to learn in the “W” column. |
SMART Board KWL chart |
Materials NeededSMART Board/White Board Teacher Laptop Projector KWL Printables pencils
Activity 1
Share two three minute videos about wolves from United Streaming. Add information to the “L” column. |
United Streaming videos: “A Rendevous with Wolves” “The Howl of the Wolves” |
Activity 2
Discuss with students that many species of wolves are endangered. Today we are going to research a few kinds and create a poster to hang in the hallway about protecting those species. |
Share an example of a poster that they could create and the elements that will need to be in place: picture, habitat, diet, interesting fact(s). |
Activity 3
Assign student trios to research red and gray wolves in the computer lab to create a poster of their wolf with picture and habitat information | |
Closing and Assessment
Have students share their posters with the class and one important thing that they learned about each type of wolf. |
Additional NotesAllow 30 to 45 minutes in lab for research time |
As I look at this lesson I see that I provided my students with quite a bit of information instead of giving them the opportunity to explore and find the information. There are several changes that I would make to meet the Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy. One major change that I would make to the entire lesson would be to make this a more individualized and self-guided lesson by creating the lesson as a webquest with the necessary links and then administering the lesson in the school’s computer lab. Many of my students are struggling learners so I would most likely have them work side by side pairing stronger students with struggling students.
Lesson Introduction
During the lesson introduction I present the students with a KWL chart that we fill in together. To better address the Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy I would instead ask the students to create their own chart (web) using a tool such as These tasks would address the Digital Bloom’s skills of remembering, creating, and understanding.
Activity 1
I would alter this component of the lesson by having the students view the videos and then adding new information gleaned from the videos into their map in a different color so that the new information will be discernable from the information already known. This enhancement would lead to greater understanding and remembering.
Activity 2
This portion of the lesson would involve the students developing their own ideas as to what challenges the wolf species are facing. This change would allow the students a chance to analyze the problem and then apply what they have learned to creating a possible solution.
Activity 3
Instead of the students creating a poster, they would instead be given an opportunity to create a presentation using a site such as to showcase their learning through individualized creating.
Using the rubric (a simplified version of the one that I would use) the students will evaluate themselves and then each other as the presentations are shared with each other.
To better assess their understanding and mastery, I would create a rubric using rubistar. This rubric would be made available to the students at the beginning of the lesson so that they would know what it is that I would be looking for. Because this lesson is during the first part of our school year, I would create the rubric. However, as our school year progresses, I would have the students help me create the rubrics. This practice allows them the chance to take ownership of their learning and success.
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