Project: Investigating Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy vs.   Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy



  •   Remembering,   understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating
  •   Offer   verbs and activities
  •   Outline   learning process
  •   Include   higher order thinking and lower order thinking


  •   Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy offers verbs linked to digital tools
  •   Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy offers activities without offering   how to accomplish the tasks
  •   Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy offers apps or other digital tools to   support thinking skills


Designing, constructing,   planning, producing, inventing, devising, making, building

Programming,   filming, animating, blogging, video blogging, mixing, remixing, wiki-ing,   publishing, videocasting, podcasting, directing, producing


Checking, hypothesizing,   critiquing, experimenting, judging, testing, detecting, monitoring,   commenting, reviewing, collaborating, reflecting, testing, solving,   criticizing, appraising, assessing, concluding, justifying, judging

Blog commenting,   posting, moderating, networking, alpha/beta testing


Comparing, organizing,   deconstructing, attributing, outlining, structuring, integrating,   mind-mapping, validating, analyzing, sorting, categorizing, investigating,   comparing, debating, differentiating, examining

Mashing, linking,   reverse-engineering, cracking


Implementing, carrying out,   using, executing, doing, playing, applying, modifying, reporting, building,   constructing, sketching, producing, solving

Running, loading,   operating, hacking, uploading, sharing, editing


Interpreting, exemplifying,   summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining,   categorizing, confirming, converting, explaining, matching, discussing,   estimating, paraphrasing, describing, relating

Advanced   searching, Boolean searching, blogging, web journaling, twittering,   tagging,  commenting, annotating,   subscribing, chatting, Skyping


Recognizing, listing,   describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding, highlighting,   bullet pointing, repeating, recording, reciting, listing, outlining, writing,   labeling, selecting, drawing, naming

Bookmarking,   social networking, social bookmarking, saving favorites, web searching,   googling  



Churches, A. (2014). Educational origami: Bloom's and ict tools. Retrieved from

Kharbach, M. (2014). A great bloom's taxonomy wheel for teachers: Educational technology and learning. Retrieved from

Schrock, K. (2014, June 12). Bloomin' apps: Kathy schrock's guide to everything. Retrieved from

Tenkely, K. (2010). Retrieved from


Lesson Evaluation

Course Description: During a summer school class aimed to expose students to different cultures through research (online, books, brochures, and Skype), cooking, dancing, music, and games, students select topics to investigate based on their own interests. Each week, the class focuses on a unique place including Guatemala, Estonia, and Puerto Rico. In order to communicate their findings, students use their student blogs linked to the classroom blog in order to post their projects and reflections.

Summary of Lesson: After students have posted their projects on their blog page, the class gathers for a celebration and viewing of their research projects. I discuss and model appropriate commenting by focusing on being specific, linking back to things learned from the presentation, and writing constructive/positive responses. Each student uses their own iPads to connect to the blog post of each presenter. While the presenter projects his/her project for the entire class to view, individual students reflect on things learned and strengths of their peer’s work. 

After each presentation, students post a comment to their peer’s post. Because I can view each student’s comment before submitting it for the class’s view, I can ask students to edit their posts to make them more meaningful—linked to the presentation, edit for capitalization, punctuation, and make it specific. During the time students are commenting, the presenter writes a comment reflecting on struggles and successes. After each student edits their own comments, I submit them for others to see.

Reflection: This lesson has components of higher order thinking skills like evaluating as outlined in Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Students use technology as a way to share their comments with the entire class making the process more collaborative and keeping content relevant and in real time. This lesson could impact student learning if their comments were a little more structured. In addition to commenting, students could also analyze the similarities and differences of the place of study and their own culture as they relate to the topic. This would be a student-directed task for comparing and would boost student achievement according to Marzano’s 9 Instructional Strategies.

For example, one student presented Guatemalan food staples and the process involved in creating them. Students viewing the presentation could post a comment analyzing the similarities and differences of the foods and processes to those of their own culture. In order to support this extra level of student commenting, I would need to have reviewed the information before the presentations and list specific tasks to encourage more meaningful commenting. As the class becomes more sophisticated in their commenting, students can begin creating their own commenting tasks.

In order to use the current technology tools to better support student outcomes, I would encourage students to access peer presentations and comment at their own speed. In other words, after students have “mastered” commenting, we would not have to walk through the process all together. This would allow for technology use to support the modification stage meaning it allows for significant task redesign. By using the blog, students can access, comment, and analyze at their own pace from school or home. Although I believe the lesson and class was successful because it was geared towards higher level thinking, I can definitely use what I have learned to make the learning experiences even more meaningful for student learning.


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