So I see that former TV star Tony Danza is thinking about starring in a reality show called TEACH. That's right, a reality show. Currently, according to highly placed sources at some internet tabloid drivel I ran across while mindlessly surfing the web, I came across
this story.
Yep, the guy from
Who's The Boss is gonna tackle the classroom. An inner city high school classroom in Philly. And what's he gonna teach?
10th grade English. (Because any schmoe can do it I assume.)
Actually, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Mr. Danza (or will he be, "Yo, Mr. D!"?) is supposedly doing teacher training right now to step up to the task. About a zillion questions cross my mind. In no particular order (and I have a feeling I am going to simply have to stop at some point before exhausting all of my musings):
Is he...
--Doing this to show how tough it is to be a teacher... much less be a first year teacher? Or is he doing it to show how easy it is to be a teacher if you just 1) care about the kids 2) try your hardest 3) are a good guy 4) are from the hood 5) speak their language...
--Expecting that teaching a class that is being filmed by TV cameras to actually resemble a class that is not being filmed by a crew of reality TV cameras?
--Of the opinion that he will be given the same treatment by the administration that all other first year English teachers are given in schools such as this?
--Taking the job/classroom of someone who was fired in the latest budget cuts?
--Planning to use this as an honorable platform to bring more positive attention to the plight of American students and educators?
--Planning to stick around or is this a one and done type of deal whereby he exploits all this media attention for whatever purpose he is doing this for in the first place and then planning to go back to living off of his TV residuals, real estate portfolio, etc?
--Going to be held accountable in any way, shape or form for the performance of his students (or of himself, for that matter)?
-- going to have final cut over the show or is the Philly School District going to allow him to show whatever he wants, warts and all?
Remember when I said I have a feeling I am going to simply have to stop at some point before exhausting all of my musings... well, we are now hitting that point.
I mean why is the Mayor of Philly on board with this? Why is Tony doing this? Is the road to hell being paved with good intentions right before our eyes?
Tony, please don't spoil my fond memory of you... on
Taxi. You played the lovable lunk so well.
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