I think people have become numb to the issue of race in our schools. And to bring it up, I think people just roll their eyes and feel a bit exhausted by it all. It's like we've all heard about the
Achievement Gap and we are all familiar with
Kozol and we are all aware of the fact that the black and brown kids are, in many ways, getting less -- and performing in an lower capacity -- than white and Asian kids.
Has our national conversation petered out? Has the conversation about teacher quality, tenure, budget cuts and national standards bludgeoned the race issue to the point of it being like a punch drunk boxer who still wants to fight, still feels they need to fight but yet, can't really keep up with the current fight going on?
On one hand we can take credit for having come far. It's admirable the progress we, as a nation, have made. But have we come far enough?
Have we lost the mojo behind this "cause"?
As America becomes more and more and more racially diverse, has the issue of race become a tired talking point? Or worse, are we simply coming to accept that inequality is simply going to be the order of the day?
I mean there are like almost no white kids at my school... and we are in deep NCLB probation territory.
Are their any all-white schools, I wonder, that have absolutely no minorities which are in deep NCLB probation territory?
I know...
sssshhhh! Go talk about teacher quality, tenure, budget cuts and national standards. Social justice, we did that already. Moving on...
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