K-12 needs Internet Filter Flexibility.

While most US corporations turn on Web filtering to control content and reduce their liability exposure, K-12 has different needs. We are now planning a RBAC, (Role based Access Controls) project for our web filter. This will allow us to remain CIPA compliant for all students, (Child Internet Protection Act) yet still offer the much needed access to our staff for things like Youtube, which has a lot of great educational material. With that said, Youtube also has a lot of stuff that is not K-12 appropriate. So we will let Educators control its use; Youtube Educational materials will be presented to the class via the classroom projectors. I think its a Win Win!

Additional training is being recommended to make sure all staff are aware of the related issues. This is an excellent Free course for K-12. http://www.cerias.purdue.edu/education/k-12/cerias_resources/files/...

Note: RBAC uses Active Directory to add specific users to a group, to the more open filter group in this case. This we can add all staff to the open internet group, (not completely open) yet protect students and keep them in more restrictive groups.

While in a perfect world we would just open the filter completely. Even without the CIPA issues, we need to filter a multitude of sites that serve up Malware, ( Malicious Software) designed to compromise systems for financial gain. learn more about cyber crime at http://www.rsa.com/node.aspx?id=1331 and http://www.rsa.com/node.aspx?id=1331

Yes K-12 Districts have also been attacked. http://www.wten.com/Global/story.asp?S=11771279&nav=menu30_2_3

Visit K-12 cyber security or discuss here.


George Grachis CISA, CISSP

Views: 39

Comment by George Grachis on January 4, 2011 at 6:30am

Happy New Year everyone!

We are finally making progress on Role Based Access Controls for our internet filter! We meet today to discuss a baseline configuration. So far our Educators want Youtube, Google Images and Skype.


What other sites do you suggest teachers need opened but due to CIPA and other Liability issues are blocked now for Students or all. IE: With RBAC we will now be able to open these for teachers and still keep blocked for students. This is a Win Win!


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