I took the Multiple Intellegence Test (which was 80 questions) and as I reviewed the results, I saw a lot of what I was. The highest score was Body/Kinesthetic, which is where you learn by being a hands-on type of person. This was the strongest of all of what I had, and I believe that was good. The other scores that are high were Interpersonal, Music, and Visual/Spatial. Being a very loud and social person I am, I knew that Interpersonal would be high. Since I have been brought up playing various instruments (trumpet, piano, sax, euphonium, etc.) and I love music, that was natural for me to have it high. I am a visual person and learn from watching and doing so that's why my visual/spatial it high. I was kind of surprised that naturalistic was pretty low (30), because I really love nature and anything naturalistic. The rest of the results were also things that I thought were true about myself. Linguistic and Inraprersonal way were near the lowest, and I agree that it is hard for me to learn alone or by linguistics(though I can speak 2 languages, how ironic). The lowest was mathmatics, which wasn't a surprise. I have never done well in that subject.

The other test that I took was the Paragon Learning Style Test, and the result that I got was ENFP- "Idealist Portrait of a champion". It sounds weird to think that I am "a champion", or even an "idealist"but how they expalin this type shows who i am like. I am not the smartest person in the world, and logic just doesn't work so well in my brain. I am very feeling type of person, and see what happens when I percieve it. It shows that I am a very enthusiastic person and am social. They are the type to want to know about everything. I think this type fits me well because I want to know things and learn as much as I can.

I think these will help me to understand how I learn as a student, so that I will either try harder to get better with the things that I don't know how to use, or avoid using the weak points. As well as being social, working in groups helps me study well. As a teacher, I would try to teach the ways that I know best, and then see how the students are like and try to adjust to what I see in some children. Since a teacher teaches what they know best, I would probably lean towards what I am good at learning so I could be effective in teaching.

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Comment by Dave Eveland on January 27, 2009 at 6:30am
It's good that the champion description includes a desire to learn about everything. It can be very enabling to children - especially the ones you teach to see that you - while you are the teacher - not only have a wealth of knowledge and guidance to share, but that you share a characteristic you want them to be about - learning. Going somewhere with someone rather than by yourself is always better - (unless of course you're an introvert) and doing so with students - within the framework of learning - that both student and teacher like and can learn something new is an important skill to possess as a teacher. Avoidance of the weak points isn't bad - unless those weak points of your own are the strengths of some of your students - that's where it can be even more difficult in teaching. How do you reach those students that are not like you?


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