these lessons have been found all over the internet.

in a country where e-learning has gone to the dogs, the concept of zero-cost of education need not be a mystery.

i'm just picking up on crumbs.

thank you all for sharing.

i am ana fernandez, and i believe education is a right and not a privelege.


- - -

crumbs, breadcrumbs...

overview/orientation: WATCH THIS our motto: nobody left behind as the Filipino would say, "para hindi mapag-iwanan ng panahon."


If you’re one in a million in China…
…there are 1,300 people just like you.

China will soon become the NUMBER ONE
English speaking country in the world.

The 25% of India’s population with the highest IQ’s is GREATER than the total population of the United States. TRANSLATION: India has more honors kids than America has kids

The top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004

We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist…
Using technologies that haven’t been invented…
In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet

The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38

1 in 4 works has been with their current employer for less than a year.

1 in 2 has been there less than five years.

1 our of 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online

There are over 200 million register users on MySpace. If MySpace were a country, it would be the 5th-largest in the world (between Indonesia and Brazil)

The #1 ranked country in Broadband Internet Penetration is Bermuda. #19 The United States. #22 Japan.

We are living in exponential times.
There are 31 Billion searches on Google every month.
In 2006, this number was 2.7 Billion.

To whom were these questions addressed B.G.? (Before Google)

The first commercial text message was sent in December of 1992.

Today, the number of text messages sent and received everyday, exceeds the total population of the planet.

Years in took to reach a market audience of 50 million:
Radio 38 years
TV 13 years
Internet 4 years
iPod 3 years
Facebook 2 years

The number of internet devices in 1984 was 1,000
The number of internet devices in 1992 was 1,000,000
The number of internet devices in 2008 is 1,000,000,000

There are about 540,000 words in the English language
About 5X as many as during Shakespeare’s time

It is estimated that a week’s worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a lifetime in the 18th century.

It is estimated that 4 exabytes (4.0×10^19) of unique information will be generated this year.
That is more than the previous 5,000 years

The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years…
For students starting a 4 year technical degree this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study.

NTT Japan has successfully tested a fiber optic cable that pushes 14 trillion bits per second down a single strand of fiber. That is 2,660 CDs or 210 million phone calls every second.
It is currently tripling every six months and is expected to do so for the next 20 years.

By 2013, a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of the human brain. Predictions are that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species.

During the course of this presentation:
67 babies were born in the US
274 babies were born in China
395 babies were born in India
And 694,000 songs were downloaded illegally.

emailing: LEARN TO EMAIL

the better email: gmail

gmail for collaborative work: just click NEXT

where are we? The www

create your own webpage

webpages how?

how to's: web-sites

here's some CSS, what's CSS?

let's do HTML


javascript, too!

javascript, three!!!

a bit of GIMP part1

a bit of GIMP part2

let's demonstrate

the future student, the future of a student

from dotsub;jsessio...

"Today's child is bewildered when he enters the 19th century environment that still characterizes the educational establishment
where information is scarce but ordered and structured by fragmented, classified patterns, subjects, and schedules."
—Marshall McLuhan, 1967
It these walls could talk…
What would they say?
If students learn what they do…
What are they learning sitting here?
The information is up here.
Follow along. Follow.
Of course, walls and desks cannot talk. But students can.
Open Google Document: A Vision of Students Today.
What is it like being a student today?
Add Collaborators. Collaborators (200).
200 Students made 367 edits to this document,
and surveyed themselves,
to bring you the following message:
My average class size is 115.
18% of my teachers know my name
I complete 49% of the readings assigned to me.
Only 26% … relative to my life
I buy hundred dollar textbooks that I never open.
My neighbor paid for class but never comes.
I will read 8 books this year
2300 web pages
and 1281 facebook profiles
I will write 42 pages for class this semester
And over 500 pages of email
I get 7 hours of sleep each night
I spend 1 ½ hours watching TV each night.
I spend 3 ½ hours a day online
I listen to music 2.5 hours a day
I spend 2 hours on my cellphone
3 hours in class
2 hours eating
I work 3 hours every day
2 hours studying
That's a total of 26.5 hours.
I'm a multitasker.
I have to be.
I will be over 20,000 in debt after graduation.
I'm one of the lucky ones.
Over 1 billion people
Make less than one dollar a day
This laptop costs more than some people in the world make in a year.
When I graduate I will probably have a job
That doesn't exist today
(showing scantron) Filling this out won't help me get there. Or deal with…
war, inequality, ethnic conflict, pollution, (and many more)
I did not create the problems
But they are my problems
Some have suggested that technology can save us…
I Facebook through most of my classes.
I bring my laptop to class but I'm not working on class stuff.
"The inventor of the system deserves to be ranked among the best contributors
to learning and science, if not the greatest benefactors of mankind."
—Josiah F. Bumstead, 1841
…on the benefits of the chalkboard.
Writing on (a chalkboard)
Come join the discussion at
By Michael Welsh and the students of Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Class of Spring 2007, Kansas State University
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Some camera work by Mark Hanson
Music by Tryada (Listen)

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