This techniques works best in high and middle school. The idea is that the instructors

introduces and teachers specific concepts and the allows his or her student to teach the same

concept to students in a much lower grade.

For example, a Biology teacher, after teaching concepts about the heart in animals can create a

Biology show where he allows his Biology students to teach the same concepts to seventh grade

Life Science Students.

This works particularly well with visuals. Use charts, plastic models and even specimens.
This is a particularly win-win situation. When done correctly and with enthusiasm the seventh

graders get excited and "can't wait" to take biology in high school and the Biology students

fell like real stars.

My ninth grade General Biology class did science shows for elementary students.
I even had some classes doing presentations in the local parks on Saturday.

The goal was make the students feel like stars. I believe everyone enjoys being "listened to".
My students who were less participatory began to be active and enjoyed being "On Stage"

In courses like English, Civics and Math you can still do presentations. One example is this.
You can go on-line to http://youtube.com and download almost all the schoolhouse rock videos.
You can also buy them from http://www.ebay.com. you can also download the script from each of

the videos.
( if you can't find them, e-mail me < wlambert7@comcast.net> I will send them to you-no


Once armed with the script and the video your class can me their own schoolhouse rock. this is

not a new or unique idea, classes are already doing it and their videos are on www.youtube.com


Students already know about youtube, myspace and blogs

Theses classes can also create their own ning (www.ning.com) site and upload video clips of

themselves teaching sample lessons.

The greatest test of whether a student has internalize what you are trying to teach is measured

how well he can teach that concepts to others.

Click Here

Views: 95

Comment by Ashley Nelson on March 31, 2009 at 5:52pm
I think allowing kids to teach kids is a great idea! Sure, students can pretend to listen in class while a teacher goes over notes, writes on the board, etc., but many times the information presented to them doesn't even register. They think they know the key concepts, only to realize that when they are tested over it, they are virtually clueless. Allowing kids to present the information they are learning about to other kids would make it a requirement to actually know the material. By having them teach other students, it would make them study the material harder and soak up the key details.
Comment by Samantha Daharsh on March 31, 2009 at 7:21pm
This is something my school did through it's reading program, however, they did it at a much younger age. What was done was a fifth grade student got a "kindergraden buddy" to read to every wednesday.

The students then gathered around the gym, let their kindergraden buddy picked a book from a large selection, and then the older student read it to them. Once the book was read, the kindergraden student had a chance to "trade" the book with a peer. This encouraged sharing and social skills along with reading skills.
Comment by William Lambert on April 1, 2009 at 4:31am
I love it. Great idea. I think those who can read and enjoy a novel are people who are truly free.
Comment by Chelsie Sinsel on April 6, 2009 at 10:23am
This is a great concept to use in the classrrom and will work in all subject areas. For students to be able to teach another student, they must first understand the material themselves. When students only have tests on the material they just memorize it, rather than truly learning it. Having students do an in-depth project like this one helps them to retain the material and share their knowledge with others.


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