Letters to the Next President Video Project

Thought you might be interested to know that registration is now open for teachers of students 13 years of age and older who want to participate in "Letters to the Next President: the Video Campaign."

Register here:

The NWP has partnered with the Pearson Foundation on this new video campaign, which empowers young filmmakers to create and broadcast digital films that can be shared in classrooms across the nation. Registered teachers and their classes are invited to create short videos in a form of their choosing – PSAs, digital stories, interviews, animations, short films. For more information about the project, visit: http://www.digitalartsalliance.org/partnerships/nwp/letters2pres.html

Videos will be published to the Letters to the Next President site (http://www.letters2president.org) as part of the growing national conversation on the state of the nation, civic literacies, student voice and the future of this country. More than 6,000 students participated in the initial Letters to the Next President campaign last fall - an NWP and Google sponsored project. Some of your students, in fact, may have submitted letters to the site.

Again, registration, which is open until March 27, can be done online here: http://www.digitalartsalliance.org/partnerships/nwp/sign-up.php

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