Movies and Philosophies of Education

Click to take the quiz about your own philosophy of education

I've written lots about philosophies of education. How important they are to develop and sustain.  A lot of what is "stress" in today's teaching world, derives from teachers working in settings that conflict with their own underlying philosophy of education - often, the teacher not really even knowing that this conflict exists!

I'm teaching philosophy of education with my students and one thing I had them do was to watch some film clips and try and match the "stylized Hollywood teacher" with a particular teaching philosophy. A great activity and I offer a simplified version here, to challenge you.

There are many labels and "types" of educational philosophies. Here are 5 main ones.

The challenge is - view the film clips below and match them to the philosophy of education. The films clips are from: Dead Poet's Society | Stand and Deliver | Dangerous Minds | School of Rock | The Emperor's Club . Match them to the correct Philosophy of Education: Perennialism | Essentialism | Progressivism | Existentialism | Social Reconstructivism

Put your answers as a comment and I'll be awarding a free copy of my Teach | Learn techbook to all who get it right... Good luck!  [click to go to the film clip]

Views: 2016

Tags: education, philosophy, quiz, teaching

Comment by Steve Hargadon on October 28, 2011 at 9:24am
I love this!
Comment by Ann McIntosh on November 15, 2011 at 9:58pm

ok here are my guesses-

stand and deliver - essentialism

dead poets society- progressivism

school of rock - social reconstructivism

emperor's club perennialism

dangerous minds - existentialism (although dps could be too - but the notion of choice I thought was consistent with existentialism.

look forward to learning the answers

Ann McIntosh


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