I have never been part of an online social network site, so this is new to me. I've been a little curious about it, but not enought to join. I'm not sure how much I will be using this site at this time, but I'm goint to keep an open mind and give it a try.

Views: 63

Comment by vickers_101 on October 31, 2008 at 2:12pm
Hi Peter! Found you.... rather than just return a comment I wanted to see your page as well. I'm also very new to the social networking and feel a little socially inept. "Will you be my friend?" sounds (silly, childish, corny). I do see the benefits for professional collaboration but am skeptical as to time/benefits ratio. Anyway, its at least a little comforting to know there are some newbies from CSE627 treking around.
Comment by Donald Walutes on November 1, 2008 at 5:56pm
Quite frankly I selected option number 5 because I have do not have experience in using RSS, Podcasts, Blogs and many of the other “Web 2.0 tools. In addition, this particular module provided the opportunity to learn more by working with the technology that will help work with colleagues in helping our students to become lifelong learners.
I guess, I could have taken one of the other options, but although a having a high GPA is important to me, I selected a Information Library & Science Technologies program to help me to become the best Library media specialist I can be; that is the level of achievement I seek. Also, this is the lifelong learning that I am talking about when referring my students. If the goal is to help my students to be lifelong learners; should I not expect that of myself? I see process of lifelong learning as knowing what to do and where to go when you do not have the answer. Isn’t that is the cornerstone on which the lifelong learning is based?
Initially, I did not know that RSS feeds RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication. I was not aware that I could subscribe to web sites whose content continually changes. By reading the course content information I was able to take the next step and sign up at Bloglines.com (free aggregator) and I proceeded to web sites that I regularly check for updates. I originally found these site (blogs, news sites, journals) using search engines like AltaVista, yahoo and my personal favorite one Google. Many times, these sites will have a little aste it into your aggregator.


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