New Book about Seniors (50 Plus) becoming Entrepreneurs

Today is Thursday, November 04, 2010. The last time I checked the economy has not improved and yet the first Baby Boomer in the USA is about to turn 65 years on January 01, 2011. For me this is the symbolic first cannery in the coal mine where we will require a NEW paradigm for Seniors (50 Plus) to make the transition from the corporate life to a productive, creative retirement life.

The urgency is upon us to select a subject, product or service that you can use yourself to become a business entrepreneur and/or a social entrepreneur. I have written my first book in this area that has the working title of:
'ENCORE! ENCORE! Seniors (50 Plus) as Entrepreneurs: Their Time Has Come. We are working hard to get this book self-published before the end of this year. My purpose is to encourage institutions and philanthropists to bring us QUALITY Lifelong Learning programs for Seniors (50 Plus) that will help them in their desire to become senior entrepreneurs.

Joe Wasylyk

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