No More Cookie Magazine leads to No More Orwell

I never read Cookie Magazine. Nor Modern Bride or Elegant Bride. I did flip through Gourmet magazing once. Matter of fact, I think I even bought a subscription of it for a holiday gift one year for a friend.

Yet now they will be no more. News just announced by Conde Nast is that the plug is officially being pulled by the powers that be.

The question is, should I be troubled by this?

On one hand, yes, because I may not get to eat as many really great cookies as I would hope to eat in this lifetime so from a simple stomachal POV, there's an off chance that my own intake of sweet treats might be negatively impacted by this latest cookie development.

Yet, on the other hand, I do kind think there is a glut of too many magazines out there. I mean when I look at all the different titles being published every month, I think to myself, "Who reads these things?"(Then again, who am I to judge? If people want to read about collecting pushpins or sewing duvet covers or whatever, more power to them. At least they are reading, right?)

So on one hand, maybe this is just the natural form of economic Darwinism taking place. There were too many magazines being published and now there will be less until the demand for more rises. On the other hand, maybe it's that all magazines are dying due to the internet and soon none of them will exist in paper format? First the newspapers, then the magazines, finally the books... it seems to be a pattern that might play out.

But as the power to determine what gets published gets consolidated and the power to control what is or is not on our electronic devices becomes less and less in our our own control, how long is it before no more Cookie Magazine means no more George Orwell because his material is deemed unfit?

We already saw what happened when Orwell was zapped by Amazon... what happens when it becomes purposeful due to ideological beliefs about the content?

Are we in the age where all science fiction is actually going to play itself out? And is the end of Cookie Magazine my awakening to this fact? I mean I used to think an Orwellian dystopia was far flung stuff... now I see the pieces falling into places like dominoes.

And what am I doing about it? Hoping someone will still pass along recipes to others on how to bake really great cookies because as we know, if you just feed me sugar, you can numb me to the hard realities of every other aspect of existence.

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