Creating a list of websites that let students learn concepts in a non-drill & kill format. These activities can be for any subject or grade level. Please take a few minutes and share your favorite activities with me in this Google document.

I'll be posting all results here when data is collected.

Views: 86

Comment by Britt Gow on July 4, 2010 at 11:39pm
Hi Glen,
I have added a couple more of my favourite on-line activities for science students - I noticed you already had cells alive too, which is a beauty. Thanks for your help with google docs and tips on Twitter. Great to find another science teacher!
Comment by Glen Westbroek on July 5, 2010 at 8:48am

Thanks for adding to the list! Make sure you check out The Synapese as it is a great Science collaborative group.
Comment by Glen Westbroek on July 5, 2010 at 8:51am
oops the spelling should have been The Synapse :).
Comment by Britt Gow on July 5, 2010 at 5:36pm
Hi Glen,
I'm thinking about creating a similar type of list for science apps for mobile devices - some of them are the 'drill and kill' type, but there are so many out there and they can be difficult to find. I've started the list on my wiki at: but I think a Google Docs would be more easily accessed. What do you think?
Comment by Glen Westbroek on July 5, 2010 at 5:50pm
The wiki is very good (and shows much deeper thinking.) I have found a quick entry into. Google document often gets a better response. Good luck! There is even a place for "Drill and Kill" activities (IMHO) if not used to excess.


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