The search is on for top educators who have presented Professional Development sessions at their school, for their district, for their state, for a national or international conference, or via the web. 


Below is the letter we sent out to a few select Alabama educators to announce the unveiling of our new Alabama Educational Technology Professional Development YouTube Channel.

We welcome guest video submissions from educators outside of Alabama as well.  Please help spread the word to friends and colleagues as we venture forth to do our part in providing quality PD for all educators in an easy to use format.


Congratulations on being recognized as a top educational leader in Alabama.  Your contributions to the 2011 Alabama Educational Technology Conference provided valuable information to Alabama educators.  But what about those educators who were unable to attend your session?

This is the question Derrick Waddell (Cullman County Schools) and I (Nikki Robertson, Auburn High School) asked ourselves following the sessions we presented at AETC.  We discussed how sessions like those at AETC and other forms of Professional Development sessions that take place all year long throughout the state in individual schools could be captured so that educators throughout the state, country and world can benefit.

Our solution: The development of a YouTube Channel where Professional Development sessions by and for Alabama Educators can be uploaded and accessed.

As a top educational leader and presenter in Alabama Derrick and I  welcome you to be among the first educators to contribute to this valuable Professional Development resource.  Here is what you will need to do:

1.  Download free screen capture software to your computer.
    (Jing ( or Camstudio (

2.  Using your PowerPoint, SlideShare, Prezi, etc. record yourself as if you were presenting to
    an audience. This is so important because just providing the slides without presenter input
    only provides half the pertinent information of your professional development session.

3.  Compose a new email to

4.  Put the title of the video in the subject line.

5.  Put the description of the video in the message area. (Be sure to delete any signatures or    
    extra text).

6.  Attach the video in a valid format.

We are very excited about the possibilities for professional growth and enrichment this project will bring to Alabama Educators and other throughout the educational landscape. We look forward to your contributions.


Nikki D. Robertson

Derrick Waddell

Please feel free to contact either of us if you need assistance with any aspect of this project. Also share this information with others so that we can empower other educators in their professional growth.

Views: 71

Tags: collaboration, development, education, educators, librarians, professional, teachers, youtube


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