I am having these huge desires to implement too many new web 2.0 tools and have no classroom of my own. It makes me miss being the classroom teacher. Here is what I am envisioning for the school 08-09.

Ning - My school is going to NING! That is so exciting! Our small group meetings, book clubs, grade level meetings are going into the group area of the NING. I am very interested in what the teachers area going to think about participating in this new-to-them social environment. Are they going to complain about having to do one more thing? Are they going to be excited about the reduction of f2f meetings? Will any of them branch out to other NINGs? Will any of them blog about their highs and lows of their classroom experiences?

Blog - What I think will happen is that even though the teachers will have a blog in their NING, I and the other tech coaches are going to set them up with a blog. I really want this done in an educational blog site so that we can easily add the kids. I work with the older students (4-6th grade) and can see them using this tool with such enthusiasm. I want to establish a place where we can create the users and each year just restructure the all ready created stuff to link up with their new teachers and grade. I want their blogs to grow and become a published portfolio of their growth! I want it to be open to other schools around the world to connect with others. To grow global and make the school have no walls.

Wiki - What a great tool! All students have their own wiki space. Using this site to peer edit, discuss issues regarding their ideas and concepts being taught in the classroom.

Google Apps - I don't know what to do with it, but I want the kids to have it. Teach them about RSS feed? Why use google docs when they have a wiki? The apps though do have the bookmark feature - which is awesome. Google Talk, what to do with this one? Google homepage would let them even log in at home and have all their own Web 2.0 tools organized. You know every kid needs organizational help!

Voicethread - Is there a cooler way to do a book report? I don't think so?

How will all these Web 2.0 work with my network? hmmmmm

Views: 480

Tags: 2.0, apps, blog, classroom, google, ning, teacher, voicethread, web, wiki

Comment by Brian on May 3, 2008 at 7:41pm
How encouraging to read your post--I just bemoaned my own fate this evening on mine (Technology Resource Teacher). You've inspired me!
Comment by Mary Ann on May 4, 2008 at 7:20pm
I just read your post. I would be interested in learning more about your school ning. Have you read the Cool Cat Teacher blog? It is very informative and describes how her students use web 2 tools and the impact on the classroom. Another site that you might enjoy is a wiki that was created by library media specialists called Web Tools 4 U 2 Use. There are pages for each category of tools.


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