Paragon Learning Style/Multiple Intelligence Inventories

None of my results were surprising to me. I have already realized most of these things either through similar tests taken in the past or simply just knowing myself. In the Multiple Intelligence Inventory, I knew I would score higher in the math, visual/spacial, body/kinesthetic, and the interpersonal sections. I thought it was kind of funny and very suiting that the catogory i fell into with the Paragon Learning Style is called Teacher. But everything described in that was dead on with me.

Views: 56

Comment by Dave Eveland on January 28, 2009 at 5:56pm
Tammy, I appreciate your reflection on the inventories, and it's good to know that you've taken similar tests in the past. Knowing these things about yourself should help you in the future, and using the strengths you mentioned can really be of help when helping student learn - since they're not the typical sitting at a desk and listen type of styles/intelligences.


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