Esta lección es muy importante para el desarrollo de vocabulario de los estudiantes que están aprendiendo un idioma segundo.  Pienso que es mejorar para utilizar las actividades más fáciles en la primera parte de la lección e incluir las actividades difíciles en la última parte para desarrollar el conocimiento del vocabulario de los estudiantes.  Las actividades de esta lección son divertidas para incrementar el interés de los estudiantes durante la clase.  Es muy importante que el tema de la lección esta interesante para los estudiantes para sus participaciones durante la lectura.     


Vocabulary Lesson Plan

            This lesson plan is intended to help students develop their Spanish vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures of the foreign language.  The activities of this lesson are intended to help develop the skills needed for learning a foreign language through the use of a variety of contextualized activities.  The vocabulary of this lesson is specifically repeated multiple times throughout the lesson so students become more familiar and comfortable with the new vocabulary.  If students were unsure of why were learning these vocabulary words, I would explain to the students that learning Spanish phrases is beneficial to their development in learning a foreign language because if they ever needed to communicate in Spanish they would need to know sentences and phrases.  I would also tell my students that learning these phrases will help them develop their Spanish pronunciation, which is an important aspect of learning a foreign language.


Level: Novice

Lesson Length: 50-60 minutes

Objectives: Students will be able to use phrases such as, “¿Cómo estás?”, and “Estoy contenta, y tú? and understand what these phrases mean in English.   Students will also be able to pronounce, define, and use Spanish vocabulary words such as contento/a, triste, cansado/a, and emocionado/a.     


-Images for contento/a, triste, cansado/a, and emocionado/a



Lesson starter/hook: I will begin my lesson by asking the students how they are in Spanish, “¿Cómo estás?”.  As I ask the question, I will post it on the board so all the students can see.  Hopefully, a few of the students will have enough of a background in Spanish to give a response.  If I get a response, I will respond appropriately by providing feedback to the student and using this as a way to introduce the appropriate response, “Estoy_______”.  If no response is provided I will tell the class how they should have responded.  Next, I will introduce the four  vocabulary words that will be focused on during this lesson, which include: contento/a, triste, cansado/a, emocionado/a by placing the word and an image that represents the word on the board.  These words in English mean, happy, sad, tired, and excited.  I will then ask the class again, “¿Cómo estás?”, in which they should give a response since they have been provided the knowledge of how to properly respond.

Presentation: First, I will model how to appropriately use the Spanish phrases and vocabulary words of this lesson.  On the board, I will write both the Spanish and English phrases/vocabulary words so the students can visually see these words.  I will explain the importance of using the masculine/feminine form of the word and how to do this by using an example such as, “Yo estoy contenta, pero Johnny estás contento”.   

Next, I will ask a couple of students “¿Cómo estás?” so they can practice the new phrases and words.  The students who do not get asked will be able to hear the words used over again, which is important when learning new vocabulary.

The students will then play a game to review the new vocabulary words:

1. I will begin by dividing the class into two teams.  I will then explain the following directions for the vocabulary game, Corrida, in both Spanish and English so that I can ensure all the students understand the activity. 

2. One person will come up to the board from the team at a time. 

3. The game will include three rounds.  For round one, I will say one of the four vocabulary words in Spanish and the students will need to draw an image on the board that correctly depicts the vocabulary word.  For example, if I say “Yo estoy triste” the students must draw a sad face. 

4. During round two, I will give the students an image of the vocabulary word and the students will have to say the correct vocabulary word in Spanish.  For example, if I show an image of a happy face the student must say “Yo estoy contento/a”

 5. For round three, I will give the students an image of the vocabulary word and they will need to write the correct vocabulary word in Spanish.  Spelling will count!  For example, if I show an image of a tired face, the student must write “Yo estoy cansado/a”.

6. During each round, students will earn points for correct points.  The team with the most points at the end of the game will win.

The intent of this game is to begin at an easier level to help the students gain their confidence with their Spanish skills.  As the game progresses, the difficulty increases, this will give the students an opportunity to develop their speaking skills.  This game also gives the students multiple experiences practicing the vocabulary words.   

After the game:

I will have the class stand in a circle.  I will then choose a student to begin by throwing a ball to another student and asking “¿Cómo estás?”.  That student will respond with “Yo estoy _____” and then throw the ball to another person after asking “Y tú?”.  This pattern will continue until all of the students have asked the question and given a response.  I will encourage the students to use different vocabulary words so the same word is not being repeated throughout the entire activity. This activity will let me see which students understood the material and which students need more practice with the new vocabulary through the responses they provide during this activity.   

The students will then return to their desks after the ball activity to create a multiple-word flashcard.  A multiple-word flashcard is a vocabulary strategy that has the students write the Spanish vocabulary on one side, with the English translation and a picture to represent the vocabulary word on the other side.  This technique allows students to have all of the new vocabulary in one place in a more engaging activity than a worksheet.


The lesson will end with a quick verbal review of the material learned in the lesson today provided by the teacher.  The students will engage in this short, one minute review by reviewing the new vocabulary and Spanish phrases learned during this lesson. 




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