Pot critic wanted: is it a stigma to be a stoner or are they merely cultural connoisseurs?

For those of us with students who don't think they'd ever want to consider a career in writing, this article might be an arrow in your quiver to help inflate a student's sense of why knowing how to properly punctuate a sentence is a skill that they might want to have in their professional, job hunting arsenal.

After all, who's going to want to read reviews about sensie bud from a person that doesn't even know how to correctly incorporate a lucid and illuminating appositive phrase?

That's right, a new day is here with new, 21rst century jobs out there for the taking and as marijuana clinics boom all over the country we now find ourselves in need of weed connoisseurs.

The day of the critic has arrived. Don't laugh, because just as cars need reviewing, restaurants need reviewing and wine needs reviewing so do the multitude of different styles and offerings of the wacky tabacky!

Wanted: Pot Critic
Experience Required:
-lots of smoking
-lots of toking
-having visited lots of laser light shows while blazing out of your mind on Thai Stick a plus.

Skills Required:
-joint rolling
-bong loading
-pipe stuffing
-able to self-edit manuscripts because your bosses will probably be too high to actually read what you write.

-whenever, dude

Okay, I jest. But the thing is, the city of Los Angeles has seen an explosion in "medical dispensaries" this year and they have become so popular that there is a very real job out there to be a Bud Critic. (Read this article and be amazed: 966 clinics are now open in L.A.) I mean from what I have heard some of this pot will hit you like an elephant gun and some will simply give you a "mild, light buzz, you can still remain semi-coherent" buzz. Users want to know what's what and what to expect.

Imagine not knowing the difference between having two beers and having two shots of Arkansas moonshine. This is where the erudite dope folk come in. They will have sampled the goods, smoked the various strains, and done their "get high as a friggin' kite homework" in order to be a guide, a judge and a navigator for other users journeying through this very green forest.

Do we turn our noses up at wine critics? Will weed experts be welcomed into society with the same open arms? Will there be a stigma to be a stoner or is this just a new brand of cultural connoisseur?

Either way, the job requires a person to be able to write... and do it well.

And really, look at those hours.

As Joseph Campbell once famously said, "Follow your passion!"
As the military once famously said," "It's not just a job, it's an adventure."
Or, as Cheech and Chong once famously said, "Hey man, how am I drivin?... I think we're parked man."

(BTW, that pic above shows a map -- as identified by little red marijuana leafs -- where all the pot clinics in L.A. currently are open. The explosion is so large that there are now two of them within walking distance of my house... each open less than a year. Can't say I'm the biggest fan at all of the ubiquity but then again, I never even bother to count the bars. Fodder for another post, I guess.)

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