Poverty: A general scarcity of basic necessities of life is called poverty,the basic necessities include food ,shelter,clothing,healthcare,sanitation. In india the poverty is a great challenge infront  the indian government.Government makes many policies for the poor people but it not be affective in decreasing the poverty.The main reason behind the stable poverty of india is unemployment,and the reason behind the unemployment is the vast population of india which is increasing day by day.population,illiteracy,unemployment are interlinked with each other,population growth increase occurs due to illiteracy among  the people,unemployment occures due to vast population and illiteracy.here main point of concern is that;why poverty became a challange infront of the goverment of india?.Actually many reasons are  behind the poverty in india from the colonial period...

                        (a)one historical reason of poverty in india is the low level of economic                                                                           development under the british colonial administration

                       ( b)The policies of colonial government ruined traditional handicrafts and discouraged developments of                              industries and textiles.

                       (c)The low rate of growth persist until the 1980.

                        (d)The government failure on both fronts i.e...promotion of economic growth and population control                                   perpetuated the cycle of poverty.

so,this is also a reason behind the economic status of india in present sanario.now the situation is very worst so, government had to take a serious step for the poor people.because policies and subsidies made for them are benefits the rich people not them.Government had to provide the means of earning to the people.by providing employment to them based on their skill government can reduce the poverty nd can relief to the poor.

Views: 157

Comment by Vikash Dubey on April 29, 2015 at 11:30pm


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