It is that time of year again when students are fretting over final exams and evaluations.  I have always told my students that it is not the evaluation that one should fear but rather being unprepared for it.  An outstanding flashcard resource students can use to ease the stress of studying is Quizlet.   Quizlet is a web and mobile based resource that offers a large database of flashcards and games for any subject area.  If there is not an available set of flashcards, users can also create their own individual set to meet their academic needs.

My favorite feature of Quizlet is its compatibility with various mobile platforms.  Kaka Flashcards is my app of choice as our school has Android based devices but a search of the App Store (IOS) or Blackberry App World will produce similar products.  I strongly encourage my students to use their mobile devices to study as often as possible.  5 minutes before dinner, 10 minutes while waiting for the bus, 15 minutes in the car, etc. - it is amazing how the small chunks of time start to add up.  Interestingly, recent research shows that mobile learning is a very effective study tool due to the increased opportunities to study but also the advantages of storing and retrieving information using our long-term memory.     

Sample Classroom Activity:

Below are two sets of flashcards a student of mine created for our English 8 class using Quizlet.  Please feel free to share these two resources with your colleagues and students.

I highly recommend Quizlet as it encourages effective study habits across multiple subject areas. 

This blog originally appeared on The De-tech-tive 4 Teachers.

Views: 246

Tags: Flashcards, Kaka, Quizlet, cards, mlearning, study


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