JoAnn Lopez

EDTC 601

Reflection Acceptable Use Policy

According to The National Education Association an effective Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) contains the following six elements:

  • A preamble
  • A definition section
  • An acceptable uses section
  • An unacceptable uses section, and
  • A violations/sanctions section

As we create and add to our own group project AUP I am developing a better understanding of the importance of having detailed and well defined information included in the six elements listed by the National Education Association.  From the field work I completed at the local school district (Pueblo City Schools) and further research at other district websites I found that one of the most important aspects of the document is that it should be a constant work in progress.  As quickly as technology is changing the AUP document should not necessarily be changed on a yearly basis but at the least be reviewed.  Pueblo City Schools developed the AUP in 1997 and was revised in 2012 and 2013.  With many districts having changes in staff, parents or board involved in the initial implementation of an AUP this would keep the history of the changes and those involved documented.

Although, Pueblo City Schools had many changes in administrative leadership in the past several years the AUP in place seemed to cover all six of the key elements needed for the AUP.  There were areas that were better detailed such as Acceptable and Unacceptable use sections that were combined.  I felt that there could have been a better definition section that was well defined.  I felt having the legal references was good but it would have been nice to have the direct links.  It was also interesting to find out from other research that other school districts had not reviewed or changed their AUP in years and I also found some district websites did not post or did not have AUP’s in place.

Whether mandated by state or federal law the AUP is a very important document to have in place.  This document should be developed to protect the student first and foremost and secondly protect the school system.  The wording should be easy to understand for parents and students as well as teachers.  Having a basic skills usage class reviewing the details of the AUP and showing examples of acceptable and unacceptable usage should be required of students and staff and offered to parents. 

This was an interesting and very important topic to discuss not only for schools K-12 but from the standpoint of adult education and training.  Many industries have very strict guidelines for the use of technology which is good but from the educational and training standpoint the AUP needs to be revisited frequently.  I work on a federal grant that requires virtual collaboration across 5 states and 8 different colleges.  This grant also requires we make changes to health care education classes taking them from face to face and making them hybrid and or fully on-line.  The technology department and the unacceptable policies can make this very difficult at times.  The IT department has a real fear of using anything in the cloud and is very strict on the purchase of hardware such as livescribe smartpens .

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