I just recently became a member of the National Education Association and am looking forward to connecting and building my network with other teachers and most importantly the potential teachers of California.

Up and coming: I will be attending the Region 3 Leadership conference through SCTA (Student California Teachers Assocation) and Club Teach, representing California Lutheran University.

I hope to be able to continue to learn and blog about my experiences by attending such conferences provided by SCTA. If you have any thought or comments please feel free to get in contact! Social Networking is an important aspect to truly being able to reach your full potential and be a successful teacher.

Thanks! Erin

Views: 40

Comment by Antwon Lincoln on January 10, 2009 at 2:17am
Welcome to the world of education. I served my SCTA chapter out of Long Beach State (Go 49'rs) some time ago, and loved my experience. I am sure you would agree, it is a great organization.

You are entering the profession at a wonderful time. This network (Classroom 2.0) will be invaluable for you as you develop a deeper understanding and respect for education. The last time I check the community has 15,859 member. If you connect with the educators here, you will be on your way to becoming a 21st century teacher.
Have a successful conference. You will find out that this place is a gold mind for new and "not so new" teacher ;-)



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