In a recent piece on educational technology, Anya Kamenetz discusses a significant trend that is transforming higher education. According to Kamenetz, Web 2.0 technology is transforming higher education from a centralized and highly organized top down distributive model to a decentralized student-oriented learning model–one that is highly individualized, fairly inexpensive, and accessible just about everywhere. MORE...

Views: 48

Tags: 2.0, distance, edupunks, learning, media, social, virtual, web

Comment by Richard Close on October 8, 2009 at 11:38am
Shawn This is right on.
Attached is Global Learning Theorem Collaborative model. We need to grasp the difference between Industrial Training and Educational Learning. Both the technology and methods are very different.This is the heart of the problem
I was one of early adoptors-developer of eLearning. I am presenting on this topic for the Distance Learning Association in PA.
My Ning:
I would Love to hear your thoughts
Richard Close
The Chrysalis Campaign

Comment by Shawn Roner on October 8, 2009 at 9:40pm
Richard, thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed your presentation. I'm particularly interested in the thinking that brought you to the development of "Micro Learning Paths." It seems this approach presents many exciting opportunities to improve student learning. One interesting result of "Micro Learning Paths" seems to be the potential to design instruction around student learning needs and interests. My one concern is how do educators effectively organize or sift through information on the Web in order to create a valuable learning experience. In other words, with all the stuff out there, how does an educator or individual learner find the right information and organize it in a way one can effectively learn it?


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